"Vote with BTS shares" is after change is already made. This is a new topic. I do not see any poll that asks "Dilute Vs. No Dilute" only a poll about "Merge Vs Not Merge" (two different things). This is the most discussed topic now and you say "it is old" then you're talking about "Apple shares". I hope you are just a crazy mod and not Bitshares, becuase this is not how honest people run a forum. Are you new to forums? The question is valid and just like 5 other topics happening now about "dilution." I am not new, just no posts.
you are funny ... lol
- you haven't started a discussion
- polls are worth nothing on this issue
- there have been 10 days of discussion about this issue
- there have been ZERO posts from you about this issue
- have they already told you that the decision has been made?
- have they told you why the decision was made that way? no? go READ the forums!
- if you can't make up your mind for this .. please sell your stake and never return!
- please stop spreading FUD
- if you want to seriously discuss - this community will welcome you ..
disclaimer: all of the above is my personal opinion - none is investment advice
//edit: rereading my post I begin to wonder if my time management is good ... taking the time to even answer those posts is kind of stupid ..