Author Topic: "Tonyk is an a**h**" Last example -trying to make HackFisher do the right thing  (Read 5790 times)

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I don't get it.

Disappointed about your attitude on this forum. After I replied to you in detail in following thread, what you want to express in here?

Do you think that I or other PLAY team members can not read English? How could you become a moderate, or are you the representative from BitShares world?

It tend to be that people here are become more offensive, which is different from my original impression here one year ago.

One and only one question I have is:

Why do you believe that people that have the most trust and believe in the BTS system, and therefore have their stake not only in BTS, but more than that - in collateral - deserve no stake in your PLAY DAC?

First, we've already changed that decision hours ago, and pay extra effort to find out in which way PLAY should be allocated to collaterals. This is why we have this forum to communicate with each other, post proposals.

We are currently evaluating this, and after a few tests, we may honor the market orders (_ask_db, _bid_db, _short_odb, _collateral_db) if the tests showing that it's OK to do so.

Second, PLAY DAC is a fork of BitShares Toolkit, A independent DAC, there is no such consensus (Like AGS/PTS) that we MUST honor BTS, or collaterals put on its market or even BitUSDs created using collaterals.

This allocation to BTS is also a airdrop, not a part of consensus from BTS or Toolkit.
Great...for the hours ago... how should I know that.. anywhere posted or hinted that you even think of doing such a thing?
« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 05:53:37 am by tonyk2 »