Author Topic: Approve my 100% pay rate delegate  (Read 23592 times)

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Offline educatedwarrior

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BTSX: codeblooded   |   PTS: PiiQ6ZECCRYawcZFc8ZGbvjuCjCnBVuPjA
BTSX delegate: wallet_approve_delegate codeblooded true

Offline cube

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Publish your version, toast! Don't want to find you're on v0.4.12!  :P

Feeds ready to go?

Up-voted with my meagre stake.

Perhaps fix this so that the version is auto-published to the blockchain. 
ID: bitcube
bitcube is a dedicated witness and committe member. Please vote for bitcube.

Offline ozvic

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Publish your version, toast! Don't want to find you're on v0.4.12!  :P

Feeds ready to go?

Up-voted with my meagre stake.


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I want to vote for you toast - please dont leave for Google :)

I have found dev0.nikolai in the Delegates page, and I clicked on his Thumbs up button. The thing I dont get is that I go into the Vote page in my account, and it lists 2 random delegates that I have never clicked approve for. Is nikolai supposed to be voted there and then I press the Update Vote button ?

those are the delegates that your shares are currently voting for. if you have not approved them then those votes will change upon clicking "update vote".

Offline speedy

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I want to vote for you toast - please dont leave for Google :)

I have found dev0.nikolai in the Delegates page, and I clicked on his Thumbs up button. The thing I dont get is that I go into the Vote page in my account, and it lists 2 random delegates that I have never clicked approve for. Is nikolai supposed to be voted there and then I press the Update Vote button ?

Offline House

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DAMN! you guys just blow me away sometimes.
I would never associate with people like you in the real world, i'd probably have too much of a inferiority complex. That said, I am glad to have made it here and feel honored to be accepted as part of the community. With friends like you guys and the rest of our community

:) :) :)

TOAST: I want to vote for you but I don't know where to find you and although I blindly trust in your skills (your posts do support your credibility) I would like to know so much more about you in terms of your delegate-ablility... see thread
I ask myself "who are these people and what are they representing for my benefit"

EDIT: should have read the OP !
« Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 02:49:15 am by House »

Offline Stan

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No. 3I will go away and they'll all get paid by the blockchain.

So why are we not burning the AGS funds first before we start 100% pay delegates? There is still $millions in AGS remaining right?


Relevant. I thought Stan was behind me on this? What happened?

AGS funds are MOST effective NOW.
Delegate-pay is LEAST effective NOW.
AGS funds can be used to increase our market cap.
When the market cap is larger, dilution-pay is MOST effective.
When the market cap is larger, the inflationary effects of dilution-pay are MUCH LESS

Having I3 devs become delegates effectively does not 'add capital' to the ecosystem, since the capital behind AGS was assumed to be fueling these devs, and this value was assumed to be behind BTS and is thus priced in.

As long as the AGS funds are above $0, any delegates that would have been payed by AGS funds are unnecessarily and irresponsibly inflating BTS.

Stan, our resident rocket scientist: what happened to my rocket analogy that you loved so much?

Ohhhh, this is going to be fun!  :)

Your rocket analogy is perfect.  Let's extend the metaphor...

Have you ever looked at the thrust profile of a model rocket solid fuel booster engine?  (Everybody should at least once.)

Let's just focus on the blue profile for the C6 engine.  Note that for the first half second it jumps to about double its average thrust (14 Newtons) then throttles back to 7 Newtons for the remainder of its two-second burn time.  This is not an accident.  The cross section of the powder in the engine is designed with a conical shape to get more surface area burning all at once for greater initial thrust.  This gives the rocket a quick kick to accelerate against the friction of its launch rail and get air moving over its stabilizing fins.  Once clear of the rail, it throttles back to sustained thrust as the powder cone's surface area flattens out and continues to accelerate until time for the second stage to take over - at which point a lot of dead weight is jettisoned with the spent first stage.

The space shuttle's engines actually have to throttle back halfway through the ascent as the product of air density and speed creates the maximum dynamic pressure (max-Q) that the vehicle can stand.  Once the air starts to thin out they are "go for throttle up".

The point is, engineers had to design the burn rate of the fuel to take many factors into account.
We have to do the same thing. In our case, the factors are (1) the "drag profile" of American tax law and (2) what risks the engineering team are willing to take.

Simply put:  American tax law requires that all fuel in the first stage be burned by the end of the year or 35% of the fuel will be seized and unavailable to achieve orbit.

So we design our burn rate to meet those entirely artificial, but very real, fiscal engineering constraints.

After December, the only thrust available will be about 1/4 of the thrust necessary to sustain life for the engineering team.  We will be relying on the momentum from those year end bonuses to carry us to a point where the delegate salaries can fulfill that role.  This is a significant risk for engineers who will have to make rent payments and buy pizzas for an unknown number of months during a flight phase I'll call "minimum thrust".  Once we get the market cap up to 4x, we are "go for throttle up".

You can think of I3 as a booster stage.  By January it will be nothing but spent dead weight.


BitShares developers jettison their I3 ship
Rely on space suit life support.

« Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 12:06:58 am by Stan »
Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.

Offline toast

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I want to wait for I3 to finalize everything and get a stamp of approval from accountants / lawyers before what I say I *think* is going to happen. But even in the best case scenario where everything goes well for me, I think I would still be able to justify getting a quarter salary from dilution.

Until I can please everyone, you get a one-liner because I think there's enough stakeholders that trust me to just go with it.
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Offline fluxer555

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AGS was also no strings. They could go buy sports cars with the remaining funds 8)

No strings legally, but in terms of community trust and stakeholder confidence, they bear many strings.

Offline Riverhead

Someone of Toast's skills would get picked up by the likes of Google in a heart beat for much more money. I say give the man what he's asking for.

AGS was also no strings. They could go buy sports cars with the remaining funds 8)

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

Offline fluxer555

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The AGS funds will all be spent before january and salary for us is not a part of it. Some devs got lump sums of BTS but that is our golden goose and we don't want to spend it all to survive the next few months.

So you have loads of BTS given to you from AGS funds, and you want more from shareholders so you don't have to spend it, and rake in maximum spoils later?

(Please don't misinterpret my tone- I just think these questions need answers)

Yes, like an early-stage startup employee. You don't have to approve it, looks like BM has not voted with the remaining AGS funds so this is totally up to normal stakeholders.

Ok, but can we at least have some transparency here? How much BTS did each dev get from AGS funds? Maybe these funds should be vested and/or earned based on market-cap or general accomplishments? Does each dev hold the private keys for these funds? What if one dev wants to leave, do they get to keep this lump-sum from AGS?

This stuff should have been up-front along with this delegate bid. You are essential to the future of BTS, however a one-line bid does not set a good precedent.

Offline toast

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The AGS funds will all be spent before january and salary for us is not a part of it. Some devs got lump sums of BTS but that is our golden goose and we don't want to spend it all to survive the next few months.

So you have loads of BTS given to you from AGS funds, and you want more from shareholders so you don't have to spend it, and rake in maximum spoils later?

(Please don't misinterpret my tone- I just think these questions need answers)

Yes, like an early-stage startup employee. You don't have to approve it, looks like BM has not voted with the remaining AGS funds so this is totally up to normal stakeholders.
Do not use this post as information for making any important decisions. The only agreements I ever make are informal and non-binding. Take the same precautions as when dealing with a compromised account, scammer, sockpuppet, etc.

Offline spartako

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wallet_account_set_approval spartako

Offline fluxer555

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The AGS funds will all be spent before january and salary for us is not a part of it. Some devs got lump sums of BTS but that is our golden goose and we don't want to spend it all to survive the next few months.

So you have loads of BTS given to you from AGS funds, and you want more from shareholders so you don't have to spend it, and rake in maximum spoils later?

(Please don't misinterpret my tone- I just think these questions need answers)

How about asking what the maximum amount delegates will take in bitUSD ?

At least this way he'll be hanging around working on BTS until it hits one end or the other of the success spectrum.  Wouldn't you rather have highly incentivized devs?

Sure, within a reasonable limit. There just seems to be a contradiction in what he said:

The AGS funds will all be spent ... salary for us is not a part of it.


Some devs got lump sums of BTS

Basically he said that AGS funds are not being spent on devs, but devs got AGS funds in the form of BTS. What?

The point is, whether AGS is in the form of BTS or not, this money should be used to LAUNCH our market cap to the point where dilution pay is more effective. Still waiting for Stan to comment.

Offline gamey

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The AGS funds will all be spent before january and salary for us is not a part of it. Some devs got lump sums of BTS but that is our golden goose and we don't want to spend it all to survive the next few months.

So you have loads of BTS given to you from AGS funds, and you want more from shareholders so you don't have to spend it, and rake in maximum spoils later?

(Please don't misinterpret my tone- I just think these questions need answers)

How about asking what the maximum amount delegates will take in bitUSD ?

At least this way he'll be hanging around working on BTS until it hits one end or the other of the success spectrum.  Wouldn't you rather have highly incentivized devs?
I speak for myself and only myself.