Hi all,
IMO it would be really great to get a Branding sub board under Marketing... The i could easily address design tasks, issues etc..
Let me know your thoughts …
I am on board with anything that helps make your job easier .
I am sure it would be nice if you had a place you could go where you could look over peoples suggestions and take the ones you feel are helpful.
exactly - currently it'S really exhausting for me to go threw all boards of the forum and check on design & branding related things..
The forum has been a on going issue for
Devs to make important posts that users can find easily
Investors to read said important posts quickly
And lastly but arguable most importantly, for YOU as a team member to have sections to go where you can quickly skim to gather new and interesting ideas and cherry pick the best ones.
I brought up forum management in the last mumble and many agreed on the problem but other then getting a bunch of sections added to the graveyard it seems like little has been done.
I personally reached out to bitsapphire to help but was met with deafening silence.
My thought is that if I help you bump this thread enough someone will eventually listen to you and give you what you want/need.