IOU BTC is redeemable for real BTC 1 to 1 with no spread (or a small fee charged by the IO provider).
BitBTC has a larger spread because of liquidity issues.
IOUBTC vs BitBTC market will help increase BitBTC liquidity and offer similar benefit to relative price feeds but slightly higher trust in the IOU issuer.
i understand.
i just see trust problems in the beginning, but maybe it can be done with a community trust or something who will backup the IOU!
so we would trade metaexhangeBTC against real BTC...
The IOU will be backed by the funds received. When you receive BTC you give IOU 1:1. When you receive IOU you give BTC 1:1. The only thing that matters is that you and monsterer can be trusted with holding these BTC, which I think most people agree you can. Especially when you can expect to make a lot of money from it over time through the delegate or from fees.
I think it would be cool to also have private gateway addresses in addition to the public address that anyone can send BTC to and get IOU in return. So you could use your BTS account to somehow register with the gateway, and you would get a BTC address in return that automatically sends IOU's directly to the address you registered with whenever it receives BTC.
When the online wallet comes online it there could even be an "instant" automatic gateway with every new signup. So when you register as a new user you get a private BTC gateway address in addition to your BTS address, and any BTC send to the private gateway will make it send MEBTC to your BTS address, and these MEBTC can instantly be traded for bitBTC through metaexchange. Would make it extremely easy for a bitcoin user to instantly get into BTS.