Author Topic: New delegate proposal: btstools.digitalgaia [retired thread]  (Read 11323 times)

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Offline wackou

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Offline xeroc

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this toolkit is AWESOME work ... +5%!!!!

Offline wackou

This will also be integrated in the latest version of the tools which I intend to publish in a couple of days
Note that it is already available on github master, for those who prefer to get it from there
Please vote for witness wackou! More info at

Offline wackou

I am now publishing feeds for all BitFiat assets + BitBTC, BitGold, BitSilver. This will also be integrated in the latest version of the tools which I intend to publish in a couple of days (after the new PTS launch, as they will also have full support for it)

I will add support for BitOil, BitGas, etc. as soon as a consensus emerges as to what can be considered a reliable feed for these prices.
Please vote for witness wackou! More info at

Offline wackou

If people haven't seen it on the main discussion forum, I'll be in a delegate hangout tomorrow, see:

Looking forward to your questions!
Please vote for witness wackou! More info at

Offline wackou

Please vote for witness wackou! More info at

Offline xeroc

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Will add you to my slate on the next update

Offline pseudoscops

Offline wackou

OK, so I went ahead and registered btstools.digitalgaia as a 30% delegate. Eagerly waiting for your votes now, thanks!
Please vote for witness wackou! More info at

Offline pseudoscops

Cass and I wanted to work on this, but neither of us have had the time to start doing it. If you want to build one I'd say go for it, the more people building stuff the better imo!

Good to know. Hopefully I'll get some time to start helping out with something practical like this soon. Few ideas kicking around. Probably best to focus on one idea first and kick it out to y'all, need to get a client website out of the way first though :(

Stupid clients. Now if only there was some way to not have to work for clients. Hmmm.....

wackou.digitalgaia I just voted for you :P

Offline svk

If the "facebook for delegates" would be up and running, maybe it would be a good idea to not only make it easy for delegates to publish their proposals/missions/etc., but also to publish reports of what they have been doing/plan to do. Food for thought for whoever will implement that...

Anyone know what the status on this delegates page is? Not putting pressure on the team who were working on it. Just been mulling over some ideas for a delegate site and don't want to duplicate effort if work is already well under way.  :)

Cass and I wanted to work on this, but neither of us have had the time to start doing it. If you want to build one I'd say go for it, the more people building stuff the better imo!
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline pseudoscops

If the "facebook for delegates" would be up and running, maybe it would be a good idea to not only make it easy for delegates to publish their proposals/missions/etc., but also to publish reports of what they have been doing/plan to do. Food for thought for whoever will implement that...

Anyone know what the status on this delegates page is? Not putting pressure on the team who were working on it. Just been mulling over some ideas for a delegate site and don't want to duplicate effort if work is already well under way.  :)

Offline svk

We really need 1 website where we can browse delegates, click their names and have... [...]

I fully agree. I did something like that for my own delegates, the result of which can be seen here:
This is generated from this: where you just have to fill in the delegate_name and mission blocks (note: this is the delegate that the new btstools.digitalgaia will replace).

I would be willing to host such a website, but delegates would have to submit pull requests to update their info, I'm not sure that is to the taste of everyone. Someone with better frontend skills could surely do better than that (eg: wordpress style), but unfortunately no one has stepped up to do it yet. I would say that that's clearly an open position for a paid delegate. I would not burden svk with this, I believe he already has enough on his plate with bitsharesblocks as it is, I think it's better to have a website dedicated to delegates campaigning, as the target group is not exactly the same as the one for bitsharesblocks (albeit with a big intersection between the two)

Yea I agree we need this. I've been thinking about this a bit and still haven't decided whether to include this kind of functionality in bitsharesblocks or to create a new site for it. The idea would be to let people create accounts and once they verify their ownership of a delegate account they would be able to modify the information of that delegate.

My initial preference was for a different site entirely, but BM mentioned this in a mumble and seemed to prefer having it in bitsharesblocks.
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline wackou

We really need 1 website where we can browse delegates, click their names and have... [...]

I fully agree. I did something like that for my own delegates, the result of which can be seen here:
This is generated from this: where you just have to fill in the delegate_name and mission blocks (note: this is the delegate that the new btstools.digitalgaia will replace).

I would be willing to host such a website, but delegates would have to submit pull requests to update their info, I'm not sure that is to the taste of everyone. Someone with better frontend skills could surely do better than that (eg: wordpress style), but unfortunately no one has stepped up to do it yet. I would say that that's clearly an open position for a paid delegate. I would not burden svk with this, I believe he already has enough on his plate with bitsharesblocks as it is, I think it's better to have a website dedicated to delegates campaigning, as the target group is not exactly the same as the one for bitsharesblocks (albeit with a big intersection between the two)
Please vote for witness wackou! More info at

Offline xeroc

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I really really need to get some more time to checkout that project .. I was surpised about it a few months ago and am still excited about what you achieved there ..

IMHO it deserves WAY more attention ..

//edit: I voted for 50% because IMO your audience is mainly the delegates .. the rest of the shareholders might not see a gain in what you do and thus it will be easier to get approval with 50% or less