Author Topic: Delegate btstools.digitalgaia: proposal and updates  (Read 22512 times)

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Offline wackou

delegates wackou-delegate and btstools.digitalgaia have stopped producing blocks a 9am EST today and have now been shutdown for good, may they rest in peace :) Like the phoenix, a new witness will be reborn from their ashes (to be announced very soon)

What an adventure the past year has been! I have learnt a lot about crypto-currencies and am very proud to be part of the BitShares community, which I hold in the highest respect because of the way that technical excellence is valued here first and foremost (instead of politics), for the openness of the core devs and for all the different opinions of everyone here (I could try to list all of you but Ander did a superb job here:, so I'll leave it there).

Eagerly waiting for the impending release of BitShares 2.0. The future has never looked more interesting!
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Offline wackou

I have now joined forces with Thom of delegate.verbaltech as can be seen here:,13837.msg230185.html#msg230185

I will still post relevant updates to this thread, but news/updates about the backbone will be published in the other thread mainly.
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Offline Yao

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Offline wackou

I just released 0.2.3 and 0.2.4 with the following changes:

0.2.4 (2015-06-03)

* added feed for NASDAQC, NIKKEI, HANGSENG market-pegged assets
* list of visible feeds can be configured in config.yaml file

0.2.3 (2015-06-02)

* added feed for SHENZHEN market-pegged asset
* fixed payroll plugin (contributed by @ThomasFreedman)

for the discussion on new market pegged assets, see,16616.0/all.html

And my delegate btstools.digitalgaia is now in position 102... One more to go!
Please vote for witness wackou! More info at

Offline wackou

Released 0.2.2, which fixes slate publishing for bts >= 0.9.0
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Offline wackou

Do you have a demo side etc. where some interested voters or delegates can have a look, without the need to install all the stuff?

I was thinking of making the install of my seed nodes + bts_tools public, so people can have a look at it, but haven't gotten around to do it yet. It would indeed be a good showcase of what the tools can do.
In the meantime, there are some screenshots here (not as interactive, but hey :) ) :
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Offline Shentist

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I am a none coder, but the tools you provide, will make it easier to run a delegate.

Do you have a demo side etc. where some interested voters or delegates can have a look, without the need to install all the stuff?
I think it would make it easier to get elected for you!

Hope you will get elected soon, keep up, i appreciate your work  +5%

Offline wackou

Released 0.2.1, which fixes the feeds publishing and display for bts >= 0.9.0 (works on RC1 too)
Please vote for witness wackou! More info at

Offline wackou

Released 0.2, which includes the following changes:

* now requires python3.4
* API CHANGE: format of the config.yaml file has changed, and you will need to update it.
  Run "bts list" and it should tell you what to fix in your config file. For more details,
* added support for building DVS and BTS client >= 0.9.0
* added support for building PLAY client (pls)
* internal refactoring and modularization of the monitoring plugins

The important thing here is that you need to update your config.yaml file. The tools should tell you what to update, but if you're not too sure, just delete your config.yaml file and restart the tools so that they generate a new, valid one for you.

In particular, make sure that you specify the "missed" and "network_connections" plugins in your monitoring list, as they were done automatically before, but you now have to specify them explicitly. See for more info.
Please vote for witness wackou! More info at

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Not sure how I missed this.. but just voted for you.

 +5% to everyone else to case your vote here if you want a technically stronger delegate ecosystem.
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Offline wackou

ohh, forgot to mention: I released 0.1.10 about 3 days ago, which (apart from the usual bugfixes and optimizations) contains the following:

- feed checking is a bit more robust in case one of the feed providers fail
- started modularization of the monitoring thread, in preparation of a bigger 0.2 release which will refactor monitoring into plugins, to make it easy for 3rd parties to write their own and/or contribute them to the mainline
- added payroll distribution "plugin", contributed by user Thom, that distributes a delegate's pay amongst the configured accounts (still experimental)

0.2 will include some changes and refactoring to the config.yaml file, too, to make the general architecture more modular and the tools easier to extend. I hope to get it out as soon as possible :)

And by the way, given that btstools.digitalgaia is in standby (has only been active for 2 days :'( ), this means that I won't start working on the backbone proposal. If that's something that you want, please remember to vote for btstools.digitalgaia!
Please vote for witness wackou! More info at

Offline xeroc

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+- 150M BTS .. that hurts .. and sucks ..

Offline wackou

Thanks! But I'm out again... :'( :'( Whoever voted me in, also voted me out (btc38? maybe I got voted out as collateral damage from the yunbi delegates coming up in the top 101 and getting kicked out too...)
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Offline cube

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Congraz!  It has been a long wait.  You deserve this celebration. :)
ID: bitcube
bitcube is a dedicated witness and committe member. Please vote for bitcube.