is there a way to make a advertiving dac using smart contracts?
something that can share ad revenve with the user?
give users a reason not to use adblock or at least add exemption's to blocklist.
take a look at this website
https://freebitco.inthe website charges for ad's and them uses the ad revenve for paying out prizes.
after a week i made around 15 cents (ya).
the idea is that people hosting ads can share ad revenve and still make profit.
if you take a look on the "advertise here link" you will see a nice kiss(keep it simply stupid)
method for placing a ad on the site,
'create a banner ad'
were you can create
a campaign name ((for your reference only)this name is used in stats to id ad)
upload a 'banner image' (dimension:468*60px, max filesize:1mb, filetypes: jpg jpeg,png,gif)
add 'destination URL'
http://website.comset limits 'daliy budget' , 'total budget'
'get a deposit address'
this just creates a btc deposit address
'transfer funds in' 'transfer funds out'
and at the bottom you have your stats
name; status; views; clicks; cost(btc);
i am pretty sure all this can be done on a smartcontract,
hopefully with a categories and keywords tags options.
if ad revenve could be split. example Yacy a free software search engine.
someone could host this on a server like, place ads on it.
and do a ad's revenve split,
25% hoster (for hosting)
50% yacy development team (14QigHcusBuPQFCdJVJibQbkKtTJZSD1Da(
25% viewers/users
the party hosting the ad's on the site or app can choose the split.
if you have a popular app or site , create a $site or $app coin/token ,
that advertisers would need to place ad's on site or app.
there are a number of things that blockchain techknowledge could do to greatly inprove advertising on the internet,
like not try to inject code on your computer from your web browser, tracking a pseudonymous address and not you.... etc.
dpos is well suited for this, delegates positions could be used to fund easy to use front end websites
with a style advert reviewer ,were people are incentived to review ad's and leave feed back ratings, reducing scam ads/sites.
if this kind of dac could be done a good name for it would be Ad-Shares.
i know this is not a fully baked idea , or well written up , but wanted to bring it up for discussion i heard on the mumble chats that light weight wallets may have ads on them, ad companys can change terms and conditions with very little notice , like some other companys change there terms and conditions and the only choice you have is to click accept ( google, facebook, m$, apple to name a few)
Decentralize everything!