Author Topic: DAO - Delegated Autonomous Oracle  (Read 11646 times)

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Kinetic Typography of Chaplin's speech from "The Dictator"... enjoy. :)

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Seems appropriate somehow... ;)

Edit: roadscape thinks this is creepy. :P I always found it highly amusing... One man obsessively speculating about what his neighbor is building... So crypto space. Lol.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 04:33:36 pm by lovejoy »

Offline kenCode

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It's almost as if Peter Kropotkin were peering into the future and describing the potential of societies empowered by blockchain technology.

ANARCHISM (from the Gr. ἅν, and άρχη, contrary to authority), the name given to a principle or theory of life and conduct under which society is conceived without government — harmony in such a society being obtained, not by submission to law, or by obedience to any authority, but by free agreements concluded between the various groups, territorial and professional, freely constituted for the sake of production and consumption, as also for the satisfaction of the infinite variety of needs and aspirations of a civilized being. In a society developed on these lines, the voluntary associations which already now begin to cover all the fields of human activity would take a still greater extension so as to substitute themselves for the state in all its functions. They would represent an interwoven network, composed of an infinite variety of groups and federations of all sizes and degrees, local, regional, national and international temporary or more or less permanent — for all possible purposes: production, consumption and exchange, communications, sanitary arrangements, education, mutual protection, defence of the territory, and so on; and, on the other side, for the satisfaction of an ever-increasing number of scientific, artistic, literary and sociable needs. Moreover, such a society would represent nothing immutable. On the contrary — as is seen in organic life at large — harmony would (it is contended) result from an ever-changing adjustment and readjustment of equilibrium between the multitudes of forces and influences, and this adjustment would be the easier to obtain as none of the forces would enjoy a special protection from the state.
Kropotkin's entry on "Anarchism" in the Encyclopædia Britannica (1910)

 +5% +5% +5% +5% +5%
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
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Offline Thom

It's almost as if Peter Kropotkin were peering into the future and describing the potential of societies empowered by blockchain technology.

ANARCHISM (from the Gr. ἅν, and άρχη, contrary to authority), the name given to a principle or theory of life and conduct under which society is conceived without government — harmony in such a society being obtained, not by submission to law, or by obedience to any authority, but by free agreements concluded between the various groups, territorial and professional, freely constituted for the sake of production and consumption, as also for the satisfaction of the infinite variety of needs and aspirations of a civilized being. In a society developed on these lines, the voluntary associations which already now begin to cover all the fields of human activity would take a still greater extension so as to substitute themselves for the state in all its functions. They would represent an interwoven network, composed of an infinite variety of groups and federations of all sizes and degrees, local, regional, national and international temporary or more or less permanent — for all possible purposes: production, consumption and exchange, communications, sanitary arrangements, education, mutual protection, defence of the territory, and so on; and, on the other side, for the satisfaction of an ever-increasing number of scientific, artistic, literary and sociable needs. Moreover, such a society would represent nothing immutable. On the contrary — as is seen in organic life at large — harmony would (it is contended) result from an ever-changing adjustment and readjustment of equilibrium between the multitudes of forces and influences, and this adjustment would be the easier to obtain as none of the forces would enjoy a special protection from the state.
Kropotkin's entry on "Anarchism" in the Encyclopædia Britannica (1910)

Awesome find!  +5%
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Offline lovejoy

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It's almost as if Peter Kropotkin were peering into the future and describing the potential of societies empowered by blockchain technology.

ANARCHISM (from the Gr. ἅν, and άρχη, contrary to authority), the name given to a principle or theory of life and conduct under which society is conceived without government — harmony in such a society being obtained, not by submission to law, or by obedience to any authority, but by free agreements concluded between the various groups, territorial and professional, freely constituted for the sake of production and consumption, as also for the satisfaction of the infinite variety of needs and aspirations of a civilized being. In a society developed on these lines, the voluntary associations which already now begin to cover all the fields of human activity would take a still greater extension so as to substitute themselves for the state in all its functions. They would represent an interwoven network, composed of an infinite variety of groups and federations of all sizes and degrees, local, regional, national and international temporary or more or less permanent — for all possible purposes: production, consumption and exchange, communications, sanitary arrangements, education, mutual protection, defence of the territory, and so on; and, on the other side, for the satisfaction of an ever-increasing number of scientific, artistic, literary and sociable needs. Moreover, such a society would represent nothing immutable. On the contrary — as is seen in organic life at large — harmony would (it is contended) result from an ever-changing adjustment and readjustment of equilibrium between the multitudes of forces and influences, and this adjustment would be the easier to obtain as none of the forces would enjoy a special protection from the state.
Kropotkin's entry on "Anarchism" in the Encyclopædia Britannica (1910)

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"Is the system going to flatten you out and deny you your humanity, or are you going to be able to make use of the system to the attainment of human purposes?"

-Joseph Campbell

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Those who attain the Way are weak in ambition but strong at work; their minds are open and their responses are fitting. Those weak in ambition are flexible and yielding, peaceful and quiet; they hide in nonacquisitiveness and pretend to be inexpert. Tranquil and uncontrived, when they act they do not miss the timing.  -Wen-tzu

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« Last Edit: April 08, 2015, 02:09:24 pm by bitscape »

Offline kenCode

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This entire thread made my entire day. Thank you all :)
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
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Era Of Shattered Illusions

In any contest of strength and will,
he who knows himself best,
he who sheds all illusion,
will be the winner.


I hate to double post this image, but I just wanted to share this here as well!  :)

Offline onceuponatime

Era Of Shattered Illusions

In any contest of strength and will,
he who knows himself best,
he who sheds all illusion,
will be the winner.

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If you wish for a pearl you must leave the desert and wander by the sea; and even if you never find the gleaming pearl, at least you won't have failed to reach the water. ~ Sama'i

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If we hope to stem the mass destruction that inevitably attends our economic system (and to alter the sense of entitlement - the sense of contempt, the hatred - on which it is based), fundamental historical, social, economic, and technological forces need to be pondered, understood, and redirected. Behavior won't change much without a fundamental change in consciousness. The question becomes: How do we change consciousness?

― Derrick Jensen, The Culture of Make Believe

Amazing!  I don't know many people familiar with Derrick Jensen.  'The Culture of Make Believe' is of the most truly impactful books I have ever read. 

In the spirit of the OP, I threw the coins on the question and they returned Hexagram 50:

From coming out to life to going back to death:
Those companions (t'u) of life,
They are one-third (shih-yu-san);
Those companions of death,
They are one-third;
Those living but moving toward the place of death,
They are also one-third.
Because of the intense (hou) life-producing activity.
I have heard that one who knows how to nourish life,
On land meets no tigers or wild buffaloes,
In battle needs to wear no armors or weapons,
A wild buffalo has nowhere to butt its horns,
A tiger has nowhere to sink its claws,
A weapon has nowhere to enter its blade.
Because such a one has no place of death.

Translation by Ellen Marie Chen

And this!  Also amazing... I've been consulting the I Ching with help from Stephen Karcher's 'Total I Ching', for a few years now.  Really good stuff.

After looking at hexagram 50... I am now trying to wrap my head around this concept of the blockchain as a digital cauldron, or vessel of the digital age... no longer a source of power to dominate, but to unite. 

One of my all time favorite Derrick Jensen clips.. :)
"How many environmentalists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?"