froze up after install, after entering password.
required --resync-blockchain to get past 'enter password'
after 20 hours, refuses to sync , 4 connections.
cleared peers.leveldb , no effect.
cleared chain folder, it synced for awhile and then dropped all connections.
cleared chain & peers.leveldb again , synced up and running fine.
In the console typing a command like 'info' I have to hit enter twice for it to execute. I suppose this is because the drop down suggestions are removed with the first 'enter' and then executed with the second. (nothing new, this has always been the case)
I think i preferred the menu bar on the left. Not sure why we're getting rid of it, and hiding all the options. I suppose it is because we're trying to focus on the exchange? and only having 3 buttons on the left bar looks silly.
the account selection menu in the top right always has 2 buttons that do exactly the same thing.(excluding while in the exchange) The 'Account Details' is just replicating function and not really saving you any time. If you want to save time make account details a button on the main bar so its 1 click instead of 2. Actually the entire account selection drop down is replicating function(excluding advanced&while in exchange) You can get the same effect with the same number of clicks by simply clicking the dashboard and selecting the account that way. The only reason to have this button is while your in the exchange. (not an issue, just mentioning it)
the default location after clicking on a user account, if the account is a delegate, it defaults to the delegate info tab as apposed to regular accounts that default to the first 'recent transactions' tab. I think they should all default to the same tab/page.