Author Topic: DevShares 0.6.2 Feedback  (Read 19733 times)

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Offline davidpbrown

GUI scrollbars are not reset to the top, whenever the user switches to and from Dashboard/Exchange etc; so, in the event they have scrolled down on one page, they might miss detail on the next page they turn to.

Offline davidpbrown

Expecting that init43 is now 0.6.2 (why do the inits not declare their version?), and with my client on delegate_participation: "99.02 %", I wonder this suggests z is on a fork?.. but how is that happening if both are on 0.6.2??

Code: [Select]
     c8abe03bd24d67f1f7d0b4bac235aac3dc873201                             z              0       166 2015-01-29T07:38:40     10579     YES                  NO
     9c4c7f9bab5bea6a64fb1986f8ae131d9d9e2083                        init43              0       166 2015-01-29T07:34:50     34135     YES                 YES

Offline cn-members

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the following feedbacks are collected from the chinese community:

The feedback I take is that the chinese community loves the bitshares Team   :P

1. fuck-3i account message  8)
2. squatting toasts name  8)

Quite true.  Sometimes the more you love,  the more you hate.
Chinese Community Spokesman Account,to help the effective communication between Chinese and other members of the community.We're not translators to do regular translations , but will help with vital ones as we see fit and available at that time.

Offline liondani

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the following feedbacks are collected from the chinese community:

The feedback I take is that the chinese community loves the bitshares Team   :P

1. fuck-3i account message  8)
2. squatting toasts name  8)

Offline davidpbrown

I've had to restore wallets from backups a couple of times now on 0.6.2. The GUI-qt more clearly suggested no transactions, despite the accounts being there and all the rescans etc, didn't change that. That last event then no change by me, just a simple upgrade step from 0.6.1.

Blessed are pessimists, for they make backups!

Offline graffenwalder

Win GUI:
Initially it worked fine, then I hit the back buttons a couple of times, resulting in returning to go to the login screen. After refilling my password, it froze up.
restarting resulted in an CPU and ram drain.

The only way to start it up, is to close it using task manager. And then reset database.
After syncing up, everything seems to be working fine.

Can someone explain how to get your vested balances in DVS?
I have the normal balances, and voted with the whole stack.
But trying to claim them I get 20010 insufficient funds.

What is the output of "wallet_account_vested_balances" ?

Vesting schedule in DVS was set up wrong and everything is done vesting; so if you do "wallet_collect_vesting_balances <account_name>" once, it will claim ALL of your vesting balances the first time and will just fail after that.
I'm pretty Sure i haven't gotten the vested balances yet. I know the exact nummer of BTS at snapshot, and it's spot on with my DVS balance.

        "balance_id": "DVS2CAXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "sharedrop_address": "Pvw5u6QQXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "start_time": "2014-01-05T00:00:00",
        "duration": 5184000,
        "asset_id": 0,
        "original_balance": 90858447,
        "vested_balance": 90858447,
        "claimed_balance": 0,
        "available_balance": 90858447
        "balance_id": "DVSFHSwQdtg4vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "sharedrop_address": "Pvw5u6QQXxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "start_time": "2014-01-05T00:00:00",
        "duration": 5184000,
        "asset_id": 0,
        "original_balance": 6670251141,
        "vested_balance": 6670251141,
        "claimed_balance": 0,
        "available_balance": 6670251141
In total i have 23 of these sections (23 change addresses)


I remember it didn't work in The previous version so I ran:
wallet_collect_genesis_balances <account_name>

Now looking in the recent transactions tab: it shows the balance twice as high as it should be, when I ran that command.

After voting the balance returned to where it should be without the vested balances.

I have a pic of it, but not sure how to upload it in this message.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2015, 06:32:47 pm by graffenwalder »

Offline vikram

I get the above error if appended with " --data-dir z:\devshares"
Code: [Select]
"C:\Program Files\DevShares\bin\DevShares.exe" --data-dir z:\devshares
z: is a network drive

This worked fine in 6.1

Unable to reproduce like this. We intermittently hang the first load of a client using a network mapped drive, but other than that it seems to work. Could there be a high delay using that drive?

Offline vikram

Code: [Select]
default (unlocked) >>> wallet_transfer 100 DVS elmato elmato "" vote_all

4 parse_error_exception: Parse Error
Unexpected char '118' in "vote_all"
    th_a  json.cpp:433 variant_from_stream
Error parsing argument 6 of command "wallet_transfer": [{"context":{"level":"error","file":"json.cpp","line":433,"method":"variant_from_stream","hostname":"","thread_name":"th_a","timestamp":"2015-01-29T05:23:29"},"format":"Unexpected char '${c}' in \"${s}\"","data":{"c":118,"s":"vote_all"}}]
    {"argument_number":6,"command":"wallet_transfer","detail":[{"context":{"level":"error","file":"json.cpp","line":433,"method":"variant_from_stream","hostname":"","thread_name":"th_a","timestamp":"2015-01-29T05:23:29"},"format":"Unexpected char '${c}' in \"${s}\"","data":{"c":118,"s":"vote_all"}}]}
    th_a  cli.cpp:580 parse_argument_of_known_type

    th_a  cli.cpp:583 parse_argument_of_known_type
Error parsing argument 6 of command "wallet_transfer": [{"context":{"level":"error","file":"json.cpp","line":433,"method":"variant_from_stream","hostname":"","thread_name":"th_a","timestamp":"2015-01-29T05:23:29"},"format":"Unexpected char '${c}' in \"${s}\"","data":{"c":118,"s":"vote_all"}},{"context":{"level":"error","file":"cli.cpp","line":580,"method":"parse_argument_of_known_type","hostname":"","thread_name":"th_a","timestamp":"2015-01-29T05:23:29"},"format":"Error parsing argument ${argument_number} of command \"${command}\": ${detail}","data":{"argument_number":6,"command":"wallet_transfer","detail":[{"context":{"level":"error","file":"json.cpp","line":433,"method":"variant_from_stream","hostname":"","thread_name":"th_a","timestamp":"2015-01-29T05:23:29"},"format":"Unexpected char '${c}' in \"${s}\"","data":{"c":118,"s":"vote_all"}}]}},{"context":{"level":"warn","file":"cli.cpp","line":583,"method":"parse_argument_of_known_type","hostname":"","thread_name":"th_a","timestamp":"2015-01-29T05:23:29"},"format":"","data":{"parameter_index":5}}]
    {"argument_number":6,"command":"wallet_transfer","detail":[{"context":{"level":"error","file":"json.cpp","line":433,"method":"variant_from_stream","hostname":"","thread_name":"th_a","timestamp":"2015-01-29T05:23:29"},"format":"Unexpected char '${c}' in \"${s}\"","data":{"c":118,"s":"vote_all"}},{"context":{"level":"error","file":"cli.cpp","line":580,"method":"parse_argument_of_known_type","hostname":"","thread_name":"th_a","timestamp":"2015-01-29T05:23:29"},"format":"Error parsing argument ${argument_number} of command \"${command}\": ${detail}","data":{"argument_number":6,"command":"wallet_transfer","detail":[{"context":{"level":"error","file":"json.cpp","line":433,"method":"variant_from_stream","hostname":"","thread_name":"th_a","timestamp":"2015-01-29T05:23:29"},"format":"Unexpected char '${c}' in \"${s}\"","data":{"c":118,"s":"vote_all"}}]}},{"context":{"level":"warn","file":"cli.cpp","line":583,"method":"parse_argument_of_known_type","hostname":"","thread_name":"th_a","timestamp":"2015-01-29T05:23:29"},"format":"","data":{"parameter_index":5}}]}
    th_a  cli.cpp:397 parse_recognized_interactive_command

    th_a  cli.cpp:447 parse_recognized_interactive_command
Error parsing command "wallet_transfer": Parse Error (4)
Unexpected char '118' in "vote_all"
Error parsing argument 6 of command "wallet_transfer": [{"context":{"level":"error","file":"json.cpp","line":433,"method":"variant_from_stream","hostname":"","thread_name":"th_a","timestamp":"2015-01-29T05:23:29"},"format":"Unexpected char '${c}' in \"${s}\"","data":{"c":118,"s":"vote_all"}}]

Error parsing argument 6 of command "wallet_transfer": [{"context":{"level":"error","file":"json.cpp","line":433,"method":"variant_from_stream","hostname":"","thread_name":"th_a","timestamp":"2015-01-29T05:23:29"},"format":"Unexpected char '${c}' in \"${s}\"","data":{"c":118,"s":"vote_all"}},{"context":{"level":"error","file":"cli.cpp","line":580,"method":"parse_argument_of_known_type","hostname":"","thread_name":"th_a","timestamp":"2015-01-29T05:23:29"},"format":"Error parsing argument ${argument_number} of command \"${command}\": ${detail}","data":{"argument_number":6,"command":"wallet_transfer","detail":[{"context":{"level":"error","file":"json.cpp","line":433,"method":"variant_from_stream","hostname":"","thread_name":"th_a","timestamp":"2015-01-29T05:23:29"},"format":"Unexpected char '${c}' in \"${s}\"","data":{"c":118,"s":"vote_all"}}]}},{"context":{"level":"warn","file":"cli.cpp","line":583,"method":"parse_argument_of_known_type","hostname":"","thread_name":"th_a","timestamp":"2015-01-29T05:23:29"},"format":"","data":{"parameter_index":5}}]

Fixed. For now you can get around this by putting it in quotes like "vote_all".

Offline vikram

well, shouldn't a 0.6.2 with a checkpoints.json file go on the "main" chain anyway with all the init delegates? unless the fork was caused by a block that is now considered invalid by 0.6.2 but not by 0.6.1-89, I guess...

Second fork happened because init delegate server was not upgraded and all other clients disconnected it. If client has not already switched, a resync now should get back on majority chain.

Offline vikram

Win GUI:
Initially it worked fine, then I hit the back buttons a couple of times, resulting in returning to go to the login screen. After refilling my password, it froze up.
restarting resulted in an CPU and ram drain.

The only way to start it up, is to close it using task manager. And then reset database.
After syncing up, everything seems to be working fine.

Can someone explain how to get your vested balances in DVS?
I have the normal balances, and voted with the whole stack.
But trying to claim them I get 20010 insufficient funds.

What is the output of "wallet_account_vested_balances" ?

Vesting schedule in DVS was set up wrong and everything is done vesting; so if you do "wallet_collect_vesting_balances <account_name>" once, it will claim ALL of your vesting balances the first time and will just fail after that.

Offline davidpbrown

well, shouldn't a 0.6.2 with a checkpoints.json file go on the "main" chain anyway with all the init delegates? unless the fork was caused by a block that is now considered invalid by 0.6.2 but not by 0.6.1-89, I guess...

I had the same thought.. main chain surely is the majority of delegates but then I think the 0.6.2 was to fix a fork; so, likely we wait. I'm surprised the init's are not upgraded, as I took those to be owned by the core dev.. surprised also they don't broadcast their versions too.

Offline wackou

well, shouldn't a 0.6.2 with a checkpoints.json file go on the "main" chain anyway with all the init delegates? unless the fork was caused by a block that is now considered invalid by 0.6.2 but not by 0.6.1-89, I guess...
Please vote for witness wackou! More info at

Offline spartako

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I suspect init* delegate have not upgraded to 0.6.2 and this is could be the cause of fork.

The blockchain_list_blocks command shows (on my fork) other delegates that are upgraded and no init* delegates:

I made a little investigation and I am 99.9% certain you are right !   ;)
Thats why
says the participation % is at 84% because dev.bitsharesblocks  is at Client version: 0.6.1-78-g11cb6ef
and it is there also obvious that all init delegates are on this "ex" main-chain/fork  :P
So it is a fact that the minority of delegates has upgraded to the new v0.6.2

Great! You have found the proof of my hypothesis ;)
Waiting for init* delegates switch on our chain....
wallet_account_set_approval spartako

Offline cn-members

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the following feedbacks are collected from the chinese community:

1. Chinese localization is still incompleted, also with lots of '' tags

2. in Windows client, the recipient of transaction disappeared.

3. while moving my mouse cursor to the lower right corner, there will suddenly appear one more scroll bar and change the layout

4. no specific information while syncing (i.e., how many blocka are yet to be synced, or how many times left to complete syncing)

5. issues while unlock wallet on windows GUI: sometimes you have to enter your password and press unlock twice to unlock, sometimes it just get infinitely stucked on three running dots.

6. the block explorer should links to, not
« Last Edit: January 29, 2015, 02:06:41 pm by cn-members »
Chinese Community Spokesman Account,to help the effective communication between Chinese and other members of the community.We're not translators to do regular translations , but will help with vital ones as we see fit and available at that time.

Offline liondani

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I suspect init* delegate have not upgraded to 0.6.2 and this is could be the cause of fork.

The blockchain_list_blocks command shows (on my fork) other delegates that are upgraded and no init* delegates:

I made a little investigation and I am 99.9% certain you are right !   ;)
Thats why
says the participation % is at 84% because dev.bitsharesblocks  is at Client version: 0.6.1-78-g11cb6ef
and it is there also obvious that all init delegates are on this "ex" main-chain/fork  :P
So it is a fact that the minority of delegates has upgraded to the new v0.6.2