Daniel Larimer isn't just making some assertions re: Keyhotee in the sense we normally think of assertions. The beauty is in the fact that the vision Keyhotee and DAC encompasses is really only the tip of the ice-berg of what the power of the Blockchain can actually mean for the future of basic freedoms for humans now tied completely to technology. we can be empowered again and reclaim our ownership of our own identities. He has simply more fully understood the Blockchain's true potential scope and the implications for taking back our basic liberties through the safeguarding of our personal lives. The current state of affairs is because our technology was steps ahead of our understanding as a society of why and how we needed to safeguard such basic things as our identities, communications, commerce and trade. Places like Amazon - in fact ALL companies globally will of necessity almost certainly be compelled to use such a simple yet elegant means to transact the business of the future - in terms of money, trade, communication and commerce. Does anyone honestly think (in light of the ongoing constant revelations of of NSA spying etc) and the many other infractions of Plutocrats, Oligarchs or kleptocrats, Hackers and (fill in the blank)- that the internet will be able to continue business as usual indefinitely? A new more foolproof system will have to eventually be adopted. This is the best choice yet and there will likely be many others based on similar ideas. But the complexity of the blockchain (mathematically speaking for humans without the benefit of large Cray computers at their disposal) make this very likely the new method of choice. This would be my opinion.