Author Topic: New DVS Delegate: dvs1.bitspace  (Read 9823 times)

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Offline Spectral

Vote for BTS-2 witness: spectral (1.6.30)
0.9 DVS delegate: dvs1.bitspace
Stay tuned for bitspace-clains worker!


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The delegate is up, 47 blocks produced so far. Exciting times! :)

Thanks for the votes and the warm welcome everyone. Being new here is certainly a nice experience. And thanks to Xeldal for patiently answering my newbie questions :)

My pleasure, glad to see your up and running : )
Voting for you.

Offline Spectral

The delegate is up, 47 blocks produced so far. Exciting times! :)

Thanks for the votes and the warm welcome everyone. Being new here is certainly a nice experience. And thanks to Xeldal for patiently answering my newbie questions :)

Vote for BTS-2 witness: spectral (1.6.30)
0.9 DVS delegate: dvs1.bitspace
Stay tuned for bitspace-clains worker!

Offline liondani

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welcome on board!
Be ready because it will be quick to get in    :)

Offline Riverhead


Being new is actually fantastic. Almost every (ok, every) user of DevShares is a seasoned pro that has been around this community for a long time. It will be great to get a person's perspective that is new to the technology.

Please feel free to post up with questions/issues.

Offline Spectral

Thanks! I will launch a delegate with 100% pay when I get some more experience.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2015, 09:45:53 am by Spectral »
Vote for BTS-2 witness: spectral (1.6.30)
0.9 DVS delegate: dvs1.bitspace
Stay tuned for bitspace-clains worker!

Offline graffenwalder

sure thing voting for you now.
Really being a newbie you could have also asked for 100%, since it's DevShares.

Anyway welcome aboard

Offline Spectral

Hi guys,

This is my first post here on bitsharestalk, and it's also my first attempt at the entering the bitshares community by running a DevShares delegate.

My goal with this delegate is to learn about DevShares and BitShares, and become an active contributor to this platform. For this reason, I've decided to go for a relatively low pay rate of 20%.

A little bit about myself:
My name is Manuel, and I'm a cryptocurrency enthusiast from Norway. While diving into Bitcoin et alts in 2013 I was introduced to Protoshares via my brother, CLains, who is now a regular here at the forums. I'm an AGS investor from February last year, and I am thoroughly impressed with the DPOS consensus algorithm and the pegging mechanism of the Bitshares platform. I believe it has huge potential.

So, I hope you guys will vote for my delegate and give me a chance to learn more.

Vote for BTS-2 witness: spectral (1.6.30)
0.9 DVS delegate: dvs1.bitspace
Stay tuned for bitspace-clains worker!