Author Topic: New Wallet is Coming Along Nicely 0.6.1  (Read 10950 times)

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Offline Rune

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I love the new featured market preview windows +5%

Can we please make BitBTC:BitUSD a featured market? Its got some volume now 8)

IMO the 6 featured markets should be the 6 markets with highest liquidity over the past 7 days or so. Then we can push BTC/USD up there.

Offline Rune

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Quote from: Rune
In the future their generation will be integrated in the wallet and they will become operational.

As long as it's the original ones. I got strangely attached to the ugly fellow.

Yeah me too! I don't want this imposter!

Offline speedy

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I love the new featured market preview windows +5%

Can we please make BitBTC:BitUSD a featured market? Its got some volume now 8)

Offline triox

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Quote from: Rune
In the future their generation will be integrated in the wallet and they will become operational.

As long as it's the original ones. I got strangely attached to the ugly fellow.

Offline jsidhu

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Im still using the one from for bitshares checkout... what do I use now? Sigh..

Just remove it for now. It will probably be a while before we can use them and while they are a nice security feature they are not required for the system to be functional.

I'm not going to remove it because it will be more work to remove it than just leave it as is now.. it is just showing the robohash of the cart integrator... which might just be wrong for now but thats ok
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Offline Rune

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Im still using the one from for bitshares checkout... what do I use now? Sigh..

Just remove it for now. It will probably be a while before we can use them and while they are a nice security feature they are not required for the system to be functional.

Offline jsidhu

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Im still using the one from for bitshares checkout... what do I use now? Sigh..
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Offline Rune

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This is a bit trivial, but the robot image has changed from my original account setup image. Anyway to choose our own?

You can't change it. The fact that it changed on its own is because we're apparently using an outside service to generate them. This means that right now they can't be trusted and are pretty useless because they might change again. In the future their generation will be integrated in the wallet and they will become operational.

Offline futurist

This is a bit trivial, but the robot image has changed from my original account setup image. Anyway to choose our own?

Offline Rune

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Holy crap its awesome!

My shit computer that have always had problems with the full node suddenly runs it without any issues. Startup takes about 25 seconds now as opposed to 5-10 minutes before.

Address book is awesome, new market dashboard looks awesome too. General design is great.

Offline yellowecho

Now, someone could say that not everyone has a "powerful" machine (i5 with 16GB RAM and an SSD) but the way I see it there will soon be separate light/mobile BitAssets wallets for our clients. The full Bitshares platform is a tool for shareholders and traders and how can anyone be an "investor" in anything when they can't afford a modern PC?

I've been having issues for awhile now but I'm almost certain it's because I'm only running 4GB RAM.  I have 16GB on order so I'll report back within the next week or so. 

We may need to indicate system requirements on the download page to help mitigate 'issues'.

Offline matt608

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Yup, works like a charm, just like most previous ones. I don't see what the big deal about stability is. Out of all the releases I've had maybe 3 that were crashing, the rest were rock solid to the point that I've been leaving the client running for days and forgetting about it.

Now, someone could say that not everyone has a "powerful" machine (i5 with 16GB RAM and an SSD) but the way I see it there will soon be separate light/mobile BitAssets wallets for our clients. The full Bitshares platform is a tool for shareholders and traders and how can anyone be an "investor" in anything when they can't afford a modern PC?

25% of the people here rarely use their wallet due to poor performance.

I've not tried the new wallet yet though, maybe i'll re-poll in a month when everyone has upgraded.

hope you can try it faster , since you haven't use the wallet for a long time due to difficulty , so your feed back will be most valuable  :P

I'll be able to in 1 week, I'm staying with a friend away from my client installation right now.

Offline btswildpig

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Yup, works like a charm, just like most previous ones. I don't see what the big deal about stability is. Out of all the releases I've had maybe 3 that were crashing, the rest were rock solid to the point that I've been leaving the client running for days and forgetting about it.

Now, someone could say that not everyone has a "powerful" machine (i5 with 16GB RAM and an SSD) but the way I see it there will soon be separate light/mobile BitAssets wallets for our clients. The full Bitshares platform is a tool for shareholders and traders and how can anyone be an "investor" in anything when they can't afford a modern PC?

25% of the people here rarely use their wallet due to poor performance.

I've not tried the new wallet yet though, maybe i'll re-poll in a month when everyone has upgraded.

hope you can try it faster , since you haven't use the wallet for a long time due to difficulty , so your feed back will be most valuable  :P
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Offline bytemaster

It is nice to hear some positive feedback.   
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Offline wesphily

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I had tons of issues. I ended up transferring my wallet to a different pc because it would not work at all on the original pc. Even then, I had to rebuild the database every time I wanted to make trades or do anything.

The most resent releases have been good to me though!