This isn't looking good, no pool owners will add memorycoin to its pool. If memorycoin 2.0 fails its going to look really bad for PTS.
Agree. Maybe Bytemaster can help out with something based on Coyote Pool source?
Also there is
Here is how to get rich quick: you make MemoryCoin 2.0 pool
I don't that would be necessary but freetrade should offer some sort of bounty for the first pool.
On the other hand I read at bitcointalk that if you use the same wallet on 5 computers it basically combines hash power into one similar to how a pool functions.
I am going to test that out once we hit the fork.
We could create a private pool, adding only a few members a day with a few computers and showing how much hash power they are contributing to the pool then give out mined coins depending on the hashpower of each miner in the pool.
This could work with a few people just until a pool is created.