Author Topic: Yunbi bitUSD market is operational, but we need to raise new funds: CFSUSDA  (Read 10677 times)

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Offline Riverhead

Thread resurrection ..

Is the Yunbi market making still active? Have you made any profits? I am asking because I recovered
one of my older wallets and came across some CFSUSDA. Can exchange them into bitUSD?

Sure. Can you send it to riverhead.cryptohedge? I'll send you bitUSD in return.
I find that I have some CFSUSDA as well.. Can I send it to riverhead.cryptohedge so that I can get bitUSD?

Yup. Send me a PM if you do not what your bitUSD sent to the account that sends the CFSUSDA.

Offline abit

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Thread resurrection ..

Is the Yunbi market making still active? Have you made any profits? I am asking because I recovered
one of my older wallets and came across some CFSUSDA. Can exchange them into bitUSD?

Sure. Can you send it to riverhead.cryptohedge? I'll send you bitUSD in return.
I find that I have some CFSUSDA as well.. Can I send it to riverhead.cryptohedge so that I can get bitUSD?
BitShares committee member: abit
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Offline Rune

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Offline Riverhead

Thread resurrection ..

Is the Yunbi market making still active? Have you made any profits? I am asking because I recovered
one of my older wallets and came across some CFSUSDA. Can exchange them into bitUSD?

Sure. Can you send it to riverhead.cryptohedge? I'll send you bitUSD in return.

Offline xeroc

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Thread resurrection ..

Is the Yunbi market making still active? Have you made any profits? I am asking because I recovered
one of my older wallets and came across some CFSUSDA. Can exchange them into bitUSD?

Offline abit

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Somebody placed a buy order for 200 CFSUSDA at 1.000 bitUSD

You will not get your order filled because the price is 1.001 bitUSD

That's me, in case people want to withdraw their funds again. I will try to always maintain a buy order and if it gets sold it into I will pull funds from the bots to put up there. This way people can deposit and withdraw funds from the operation whenever they want to.
No ask orders now?

Totally... The current way it's done is really stupid.

Yep. Why are we giving Yunbi 2 delegate positions again?
They've fixed it.
BitShares committee member: abit
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Offline speedy

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Totally... The current way it's done is really stupid.

Yep. Why are we giving Yunbi 2 delegate positions again?

Offline Rune

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Somebody placed a buy order for 200 CFSUSDA at 1.000 bitUSD

You will not get your order filled because the price is 1.001 bitUSD

That's me, in case people want to withdraw their funds again. I will try to always maintain a buy order and if it gets sold it into I will pull funds from the bots to put up there. This way people can deposit and withdraw funds from the operation whenever they want to.

Offline onceuponatime

Somebody placed a buy order for 200 CFSUSDA at 1.000 bitUSD

You will not get your order filled because the price is 1.001 bitUSD

Offline oco101

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If you want to help fund the liquidity of the bot, then go to the internal exchange and search for CFSUSDA:bitUSD. It is sold like CFSGOLD, 1:1 for bitUSD with a 0.1% fee, and will increase in NAV as the bot makes a profit off market making.

Stupid question : I manage to install 0.6.1 but I can't find CFSUSDA:bitUSD on the internal exchange. Looking under UIA tag and search nothing there. What I'm doing wrong ?

I think you just have to wait and retry later, sometimes the wallet just doesn't show the UIA's.

Ok thanks, I'll try it tomorrow again.

Offline Rune

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If you want to help fund the liquidity of the bot, then go to the internal exchange and search for CFSUSDA:bitUSD. It is sold like CFSGOLD, 1:1 for bitUSD with a 0.1% fee, and will increase in NAV as the bot makes a profit off market making.

Stupid question : I manage to install 0.6.1 but I can't find CFSUSDA:bitUSD on the internal exchange. Looking under UIA tag and search nothing there. What I'm doing wrong ?

I think you just have to wait and retry later, sometimes the wallet just doesn't show the UIA's.

Offline oco101

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If you want to help fund the liquidity of the bot, then go to the internal exchange and search for CFSUSDA:bitUSD. It is sold like CFSGOLD, 1:1 for bitUSD with a 0.1% fee, and will increase in NAV as the bot makes a profit off market making.

Stupid question : I manage to install 0.6.1 but I can't find CFSUSDA:bitUSD on the internal exchange. Looking under UIA tag and search nothing there. What I'm doing wrong ?

Offline Rune

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Could we please have an update. Is the bitUSD bot running at Yunbi?

It's running :)

All bitUSD received has been sent to the bot, with a small float sitting as open bids on the CFSUSDA order book to buy back.

You can check out the bot here:

They really need to swap that pair around. People are used to thinking of Bitcoin in terms of whole dollars, not dollars in terms of microfractions of Bitcoin.

Totally... The current way it's done is really stupid. It does have one small advantage, that we won't have to spam coinmarketcap for ages to get them to add it into their bitUSD volume.

Offline speedy

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Could we please have an update. Is the bitUSD bot running at Yunbi?

It's running :)

All bitUSD received has been sent to the bot, with a small float sitting as open bids on the CFSUSDA order book to buy back.

You can check out the bot here:

They really need to swap that pair around. People are used to thinking of Bitcoin in terms of whole dollars, not dollars in terms of microfractions of Bitcoin.

Offline Rune

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Could we please have an update. Is the bitUSD bot running at Yunbi?

It's running :)

All bitUSD received has been sent to the bot, with a small float sitting as open bids on the CFSUSDA order book to buy back.

You can check out the bot here: