If we're hitting road blocks on something as simply as selling BitUSD and UIA applications , how could we expect to see "you can issue your own pegged asset" advertised ?
Who is gonna advertise that ? Without effective advertisement and marketing , how is the genius who can operate a successful pegged asset out there see our message ? Let alone joint this community , create a private pegged asset , then have incentive to advertise the asset .
If somehow you can bring a lot of eye balls to attract people to create private pegged assets ....... hello , if you have the ability to market for such complicated concept , how come you can't market for BitUSD in the first place ?
If you can appeal to the right people who happens to be able to help us instead of creating chaos for us , then we already succeed in marketing , otherwise this person wouldn't have noticed us in the first place .
Long story short :
Because we can't spread the concept A without incentive , so we create a whole new project B and hope the incentive can be self managed . But where is the incentive to promote for this project B and appeal to the right people ? Where is the incentive to promote Project B itself ?