Its really a nice brochure!!
A few comments:
no single company controls it
-> I'd rather say: " No single entity controls it". The original is like defining x through x.
2. Not so sure about this one but
featuring "stablecoins"
doesnt tell anyone much except the Bitcoin 2.0 crowd and introduces yet another term besides MPA and bitasset. Suggestion: "Market Pegged Assets (tokens pegged to various real world assets ; or just refer to MPAs explained on other page)"
3. It is missing that workers and delegates are elected by shareholders too. Maybe a line under the whole paragraph that says: "Witnesses, Workers and Delegates are elected by BTS Shareholders".
MPAs (or "BitAssets") are digital asset tokens that
-> "MPAs (or "BitAssets") are digital tokens like Bitcoin that"... So that the message is more clear: Bitcoin without price volatility.
on crypto-currency exchanges worldwide.
-> "on crypto-currency exchanges worldwide and on the exchange internal to the Bitshares client."
thus allows the creation of collateralized assets
-> thus allows the creation of collateralized assets (MPAs).