I find rules for software bounties way too much restrictive, so I can propose addition of the Bounty Poster to decide if following some of steps is really necessary to declare real goal achieved (for example, github submission and platform specific testing).
For example, a top level dev may implement very good algo, but creating all the infrastructure for it (git repo, step by step instructions, etc), as well as teaming with others to fulfil that may easily become boring. He may decide just to dump source tree/workspace archive to dropbox and continue with other tasks, so placing software to github can be accomplished by anyone else.
I personally think that software development (as software design and coding) can be easily separated from open source infrastructure support, so I suggest to think how to prevent converting developers to managers by these rules.
Another issue is a bounty split. Let us imagine situation of developing some software optimizations or solution for complicated cryptography protocol problem. There are people who can come with clear explanation of the concept/idea/optimization approach, but will refuse to code that and will even refuse to apply for bounty, and proposed system with record of work may completely mitigate initial concept contribution while focusing on coding/implementation details, leaving "opportunity opener" out of the process. So there shall be a statement/guideline for bounty poster to specifically take care of such situations.
P.S. This is my personal opinion only, given as a response for personal request for comment from barwizi and to support his efforts in putting these things together.