Right now all the people who want to distribute the funds need to pick 1 of several answers. While people who want to burn only have to chose 1 option. Therefore you are dividing the votes of distributers and concentrating those of burners. In order for the distributers to win, they would all have to agree upon a certain distribution right off the bat without any debate, which is very unlikely. Do you see what I mean now?
I see lil_jay, I get your point. However, as I said I took that into account by providing 2 open ended options at the end of the poll. It would be impossible to come up with a poll that covered ALL possibilities, so those last two options provide a way to alter this distro in whatever way the voter wants. I am also not convinced of your premise that those who want a distro but not those I suggested would instead vote for burning. They have 3 choices:
1) Vote for one of the distro option in the poll
2) Don't vote all all
3) Post a different distro perference
None of those choices are a choice to burn. Yet, the majority of those voting did not choose one of those, but instead chose to burn.
So why has nobody made any other distribution suggestions? Even DSN's "suicide" position. I contend that is not a fair thing to ask me to do. THAT option is in the hands of ALL voters, not just the teeny tiny few participating in this poll.
To DSN & pheonike:
I understand your perspecive, and think pheonike's suggestion makes sense. I do not want to buck the community. I will not burn the funds unless that is CLEARLY what the most people want to do. These numbers are changing as we discuss this, yet the largest number voted to burn. If I base NOT to burn on the aggregate of the remainder, that still doesn't answer the question of WHERE or HOW to distribute the funds, and I don't find much of this discussion helping to resolve that.
Another point that seems to have been overlooked is that I AM NOTIFYING EVERYONE of what is going on with this delegate, in the proposal thread for delegate.verbaltech AS WELL AS these 2 other threads about redirecting the funds. What other notification do you expect, a full page Wall Street Journal ad? Give me a break! I'm acting with alot more disclosure than I've seen from many other delegates.
I would much prefer to distribute. Just give me a clear message as to where, or suggest another poll. Knocking my efforts without alternative suggestions is not constructive.
If the community cannot express what they want clearly then perhaps burning is best. C'mon, post your alternative suggestions and stop complaining already!