Sooooo... that happened:
While I know for some here this is a signal that the sky is falling.. but remember. .these are banks.. and they will take forever to actually move on this. By then we will likely be well into the markets before they are even finished just looking.
Your thoughts on this?
Meh it's expected.
I don't think Identabit will scale well because the big doors will be locked, also on the technology side they will have nothing that can't be replicated
Besides traditional competitive advantages, you can be certain that the legacy financial system will join ranks and close critical doors on outsiders.
Rather than allowing themselves to be dis-intermediated, they will then also enact laws that make their competitors either illegal or drown them in regulatory burden to make sure they dominate traditional market share.
If you try play by their rules, in their rigged game, you will lose
The reason crypto-currencies not owned by the big banks have the potential to be massively profitable & scalable is precisely because the traditional institutions are largely excluded from directly participating in it.
Decentralised blockchains are designed to be very hard to shut down and globally accessible regardless of local regulation & they will have limited competition because large banks can't directly invest/compete in the informal economy. (Makes up 23% of Global GDP and will probably significantly expand after the coming global financial crisis.)
So BTS/BTC can make hay while the sun shines & still ultimately have a large potential market with limited competition regardless = $$$
However a neutral currency not significantly owned by GS/JPM will have the hardest challenge, unless it first moves and generates enormous network effect, as banks will ultimately offer consumers most blockchain benefits excluding perhaps a volatile digital currency, which mainstream would only want if they were losing faith in their own. Ironically in that case, they would be restricted from purchasing it due to capital controls...