Author Topic: Cpt. liondani, let's lower the payrate  (Read 12437 times)

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the forum is hacked, we warned you!

PS I will comment when the dust settles down  :)
What do you mean with 'we warned you'?
As far as I see nothing got hacked, only a wrong IP of Rune?


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I prefer to answer via audio onceuponatime:

I can express myself better that way to complex topics.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 11:45:15 pm by 38PTSWarrior »

Offline liondani

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the forum is hacked, we warned you!

PS I will comment when the dust settles down  :)

Offline tonyk

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If you post one more time in General Discussion what you KNOW DAMN WELL belongs in Delegate Proposals........

I am going to remove my vote from you.

Wow... Life is to short to get this worked up over someone posting in the wrong forum category.

Some "tough love" from @onceuponatime

I have a history of having donated bitcoin for Martin to print fliers to distribute and then him using the donation to fund his lifestyle instead of printing  said fliers. This current spamming of the forum in what is ostensibly a personal message to liondani is close to the final straw for me. (Incidentally, I had to go to the trouble of acquiring bitcoin rather than sending him bitshares. As a street person without other resources to call upon,  sending bitshares was not convenient for him. Does this not in itself indicate that his target market and modus operandi were, shall we say, premature?).

If I withdraw my vote from his delegate, which I should probably have done but did not when he misappropriated the funds I sent to him, he will notice.

I have admired his enthusiasm and tried to support his efforts since I too have spent time living on the streets and know that it can be depressing and seem hopeless. I tried to encourage and guide him. Had he taken up my suggestion that he attend a Meetup session in Munich, in order to learn how to hold Meetups, I was going to fund out of my own pocket a trip to Athens for him to organize Meetups there. I had already funded, out of my own pocket, the translation of BitShares101 into Greek. Martin decided that a Meetup in Munich was not to his liking or not worth his effort and that his current methods were his thing. How's that working out?

I am not  convinced that his current methods have added any value and are not, in fact, counterproductive to both himself and BitShares.

He may or may not be a good ambassador to the street people of Amsterdam. But even if he convinced 100% of them that BitShares is the next great thing - how will that help them or BitShares?  Conversely, is he currently a good representative of our project to realistic potential investors and users? I would be quite willing to bet that the 10 or so people that I have introduced to BitShares have invested far more into our project than the hundreds that Martin has.

Coming from onceuponatime...these are strong feelings, man. If it was me feeling that...the mods will leave everything and be just busy deleting my posts for days.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 09:28:07 pm by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline onceuponatime

If you post one more time in General Discussion what you KNOW DAMN WELL belongs in Delegate Proposals........

I am going to remove my vote from you.

Wow... Life is to short to get this worked up over someone posting in the wrong forum category.

Some "tough love" from @onceuponatime

I have a history of having donated bitcoin for Martin to print fliers to distribute and then him using the donation to fund his lifestyle instead of printing  said fliers. This current spamming of the forum in what is ostensibly a personal message to liondani is close to the final straw for me. (Incidentally, I had to go to the trouble of acquiring bitcoin rather than sending him bitshares. As a street person without other resources to call upon,  sending bitshares was not convenient for him. Does this not in itself indicate that his target market and modus operandi were, shall we say, premature?).

If I withdraw my vote from his delegate, which I should probably have done but did not when he misappropriated the funds I sent to him, he will notice.

I have admired his enthusiasm and tried to support his efforts since I too have spent time living on the streets and know that it can be depressing and seem hopeless. I tried to encourage and guide him. Had he taken up my suggestion that he attend a Meetup session in Munich, in order to learn how to hold Meetups, I was going to fund out of my own pocket a trip to Athens for him to organize Meetups there. I had already funded, out of my own pocket, the translation of BitShares101 into Greek. Martin decided that a Meetup in Munich was not to his liking or not worth his effort and that his current methods were his thing. How's that working out?

I am not  convinced that his current methods have added any value and are not, in fact, counterproductive to both himself and BitShares.

He may or may not be a good ambassador to the street people of Amsterdam. But even if he convinced 100% of them that BitShares is the next great thing - how will that help them or BitShares?  Conversely, is he currently a good representative of our project to realistic potential investors and users? I would be quite willing to bet that the 10 or so people that I have introduced to BitShares have invested far more into our project than the hundreds that Martin has.


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@liondani, what do you think? 10 percent? I want to see what happens. What would y o u, yes you behind the screen, knock knock, ;-) would say? 17 would be good too.

Offline lil_jay890

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If you post one more time in General Discussion what you KNOW DAMN WELL belongs in Delegate Proposals........

I am going to remove my vote from you.

Wow... Life is to short to get this worked up over someone posting in the wrong forum category.

Offline eagleeye

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You should have a 100% pay rate 38.


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Oh sorry, I didn't see it, was in the tunnel..

Offline onceuponatime

If you post one more time in General Discussion what you KNOW DAMN WELL belongs in Delegate Proposals........

I am going to remove my vote from you.


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I have the feeling that the people would appreciate a lower payrate.

It's a shame because we could really help some people now and produce videos but what to do.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2015, 06:26:02 pm by 38PTSWarrior »