I had a problem with this, specifically in downloading BitShares-0.9.3c.dmg for MAC. The downloaded application turns out to be an old one created on 12 November 2014, so when I try to replace my current version it warns that I am trying to replace with an older version. Can this be checked please?
I just downloaded 9.0.3c to replace 9.0.2 on a Mac. The newer version appeared correct at startup.
I know BitShares 2.0 is released, but apparently I still need 0.9.3c temporarily in order to export my private keys so that I can eventually claim my MUSE tokens (I hold NOTES) when they launch. So if somebody could still respond as to what I'm doing wrong here I would appreciate it.
I downloaded BitShares-0.9.3c.dmg from here:...
https://github.com/bitshares/bitshares-0.x/releases. When I right-click to Get Info on the downloaded application in the .dmg, it says it was last modified 12 November 2014, which would suggest it is not in fact 9.0.3c. And when I try to save the application to my Applications Folder, I get a message saying "A newer item named “BitShares” already exists in this location. Do you want to replace it with the older one you’re moving?". As a result of this warning, I have not installed the downloaded version.
Should I just install it, or am I picking up the incorrect application?