Author Topic: How do I fix a "scan failure" after upgrade from 4.23.1 to 9.3c?  (Read 4403 times)

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Offline bytemaster

So here is a wrinkle.  Before anyone told me any of that, after syncing I sent myself 1 BTS from an account with a 200,000 BTS balance.  The balance now shows 199,999 but I haven't received the 1 BTS to my other account yet.

1. Will that account that shows 199,999 BTS successfully transfer the whole balance, even though it was involved in a transaction that hasn't been synced yet?

2. If I migrate without first syncing, will I loose that 1 BTS in the other account?  (I guess I don't care about that as long as my 199,999 will be safe.)

If you know the exact transaction ID then you can ignore the scan failure

Code: [Select]
scan_transaction <transaction_id> [overwrite_existing]
Code: [Select]
wallet_scan_transaction <transaction_id> [overwrite_existing]                                         Scans the specified transaction
Scans the specified transaction

  transaction_id (string, required): the id (or id prefix) of the transaction
  overwrite_existing (bool, optional, defaults to false): true to overwrite existing wallet transaction record and false otherwise


aliases: scan_transaction, wallet_transaction_scan

Then you can export your wallet and have everything.
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Offline fussyhands

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So here is a wrinkle.  Before anyone told me any of that, after syncing I sent myself 1 BTS from an account with a 200,000 BTS balance.  The balance now shows 199,999 but I haven't received the 1 BTS to my other account yet.

1. Will that account that shows 199,999 BTS successfully transfer the whole balance, even though it was involved in a transaction that hasn't been synced yet?

2. If I migrate without first syncing, will I loose that 1 BTS in the other account?  (I guess I don't care about that as long as my 199,999 will be safe.)

Offline xeroc

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So if I export from 4.23.1 and import to graphene, all my balances and all my account names will successfully migrate?
If you have all your balance in 4.23.1, then what you need to do is
1) install 0.9.3c
2) run it up (no need for syncing)
3) follow the steps here:

you need to do this in 0.9.3c because this version offers a way to create compatible wallet exports for bitshares 2.0

Offline sittingduck

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Offline fussyhands

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So if I export from 4.23.1 and import to graphene, all my balances and all my account names will successfully migrate?

Offline bytemaster

Around 200,000 BTS plus a few registered account names that I feel some affinity for.  Why do you ask?

If you are having scan failures then try to scan small ranges to skip over the block that is having the issue.   Are you able to access the Console in the wallet?

Did you have all of your balances PRIOR to upgrading?   If so then you probably don't need to scan the rest and can simply export your wallet and move on to graphene.
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Offline fussyhands

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Around 200,000 BTS plus a few registered account names that I feel some affinity for.  Why do you ask?

Offline bytemaster

No one can help me with this?  I've been trying to get access to my money for weeks and I keep running into bizarre technical issues.  Someone please help!

What was your balance?
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Offline fussyhands

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No one can help me with this?  I've been trying to get access to my money for weeks and I keep running into bizarre technical issues.  Someone please help!

Offline fussyhands

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Hi, I upgraded from from Windows GUI 4.23.1 to Linux CLI 9.3c by copying the wallets folder from %appdata% to ~/.BitShares.  After the block chain fully synced I transferred 1 BTS from one of my accounts to another.   The 'balance' command reflected the withdrawal but not the deposit.  I closed the wallet and ater I reopened it and ran the 'scan' function, hoping that would make the client reflect the deposit.  However every time I run 'scan' I get a 'Scan failure.' once at 4.81% and once at 4.54%.

What is a scan failure and how do I fix it?  Could this be due to the way I moved the wallet?  If so, what is the correct way to move a wallet from 4.23.1 to 9.3c?

This is only the latest problem I've run into with upgrading after not using BitShares for a while, so I am anxious to get a fully working configuration.

Thanks in advance for your help.

UPDATE:  I ran wallet_repair_records and the scan immediately restarted (without my having to initiate it) and now it has passed 7.81% so I'm optimistic that it will work.  Was that the right thing to do?

UPDATE: The scan failed again at 10.29%.  Any advice about what I need to do?
« Last Edit: October 03, 2015, 08:52:14 pm by fussyhands »