I don't like these decisions on the spot at all. These things should have been thought and discussed previously.
This much I do agree with. However, given lack of detailed planning CNX has chosen not to do, but instead has chosen to go forward with the BitShares 2.0 rollout now, it's important to take the bull by the horns and pre-emptively stop irrepairable harm that may arise from a rapid and dramatic increase in the number of accounts, which directly corelates to VPS RAM requirements. The general model that
has been discussed is the gradual increase of server resources in proportion to adoption and growth of actual users that broadcast transactions and trade on the network. These name speculators are imposing a rather high cost for infrastructure without coresponding revenue.
We cannot let that continue. I do agree this should have been addressed before release. This very issue surfaced shortly after 2.0 was announced in June where action was also taken. CNX didn't learn then from their mistake so now we have to deal with this issue again.
I haven't seen any evidence this attitude will infiltrate the minds at Cryptonomex anytime soon if at all. I hope they will start to learn, but I have seen nothing that gives me confidence they have yet.
So much is required to carry out a successful product launch, not just the technical implementation. With the lackluster response of the marketcap and the various posts I see here in the forum I sure hope we're not seeing history repeat itself for the long haul.
For now I remain optimistic. It's still very early. Unless Cryptonomex can start crossing tees and dotting eyes real soon we will begin to see the market settle into an overall negative response to 2.0. Should that happen it doesn't mean the demise of Cryptonomex. The team may become successful with other people handling all other aspects, relegating CNX to the primary role of technology innovators which they have clearly demonstrated. Perhaps not to the degree that Charles Hoskinson and acedemia expects, but adequate for industrial adoption and as a resume for consultation services, allowing the team to survive as a unit.
I truly hope Stan & Dan can see they have much to learn about rolling out new products, especially in this crypto space. So many details yet to be handled, and until they are it opens the door for bad press and negative reviews.