Author Topic: No balance after import  (Read 2075 times)

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Offline oakmaster

I couldn't get my balance to show up either so I started a witness node and where able to finally see them but where unable to claim my balancea everytime I tried I get transaction not broadcasted try again later so I was going to try the cli but I keep reading about ppl having success with Firefox and openledger wallet so I tried it took all day for my balances to show up but I was able to claim them finally

Offline Pairmike

When you say how did I move my funds last time, what do you mean?  On the 0.9.3c client, the amount of BTS is over 300,000. I exported my wallet using the advanced option on a Windows client machine.

I then took the keys.json file and imported them via the cli_wallet. | The Social Media Network that Pays

Offline xeroc

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issue with private keys is that you cannot easily see that your funds are accessible with THAT particular private key .. I would assume you have them in a private key derived from that key ..

how did you move your funds last time and why do you think that private key will hold your funds?
Do you have a running bts1 client that shows your funds?

Offline Pairmike

You may need to claim balances:

Code: [Select]
import_balance <account name> <private key> true
See here for more info:


import_balance my_account_name ["*"] true

I've have run this command multiple times via the cli_wallet command line.  The result is:

3439782ms th_a       wallet.cpp:3183               import_balance       ] balances: []

I then run 'list_my_accounts' and I still do not have a balance. 

I left my computer on for 48 hours trying to claim balances via the web wallet.  The result no balances.

I imported the keys via the cli_wallet as referenced here.  The process took over 12 hours.  The result no balances.

I don't know what else to do.  SMH | The Social Media Network that Pays

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

You may need to claim balances:

Code: [Select]
import_balance <account name> <private key> true
See here for more info:


import_balance my_account_name ["*"] true
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Offline edilliam

You may need to claim balances:

Code: [Select]
import_balance <account name> <private key> true
See here for more info:

Offline Pairmike

I have over 300,000 BTS on the 0.93c client.  After importing to Graphene, I have a balance of 1 BTS.  My initial import via the web wallet was taking too long so I canceled it.  I then imported via the cli_wallet on two separate occasions and still not showing the correct balances. 

I really need help. | The Social Media Network that Pays