Amazon does not offer the cc2.8xlarge with Ubuntu Server 12.04.3 LTS so I think therein lies the problem. I will try with Amazon Linux AMI (HVM) 2013.09.2 and
see if that works. That is the only instance I see that offers the cc2.8xlarge.
Ok....I used the Linux AMI (HVM) and got a little have to login with: ec2-user
As soon as it starts it gets killed...Ok....changed it to 1024 instaed of 2048 and we're mining. Will attempt further fine tuning......

Another tip...Use screen to detach your mining session so it can continue to mine if your computer shuts down for any reason.
Type "screen" at beginning of session then setup miner. After miner is running press, control-A then control-D. This will detach your screen session but leave your
processes running.
To bring back your miner type "screen -r". This will resume your session.
Checking PTS optimizations compatibility...
OK: PTS optimizations are compatible
Checking target [xpt2h://] OK
Checking params [pts:av=0] OK
Checking params [pts:m=2048] OK
ProtoShares: Memory usage 2048M per thread, determine Algorithm Variation by finetuning
Using 32 mining threads
Will mine 128 rounds for miner developers to support development of the next version
Follow @yvg1900 on Twitter to get information on new version availability on time
xpt: Logged in with xxxxxxxx.PTS_1
New ProtoShares Block 39563
ProtoShares Aggregated CPM: ?; Rounds Complete/Incomplete: 0/0, Donated Complete/Incomplete: 0/0; Config/Thread CPM: ?/? on 0 rounds with AV=1, ART=? ms; Fine-tuning: IN PROGRESS, AV/RT: 1/0, Best AV/RT: 1/0 On-line, Shares Submitted 0, Accepted 0
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-5-235 linux64-sandy-bridge]$