Yes, this would be great. What happens when fees are paid in a UIA? Should those be reported separately, or should it report the equivalent BTS fee paid at the time of fee payment?
Using a single token to represent value is a good idea IMO, and it makes sense that token is BTS, the CORE token here. Displaying the value in BTS is the standard all assets are based on, so it levels the playing field and normalizes comparisons.
I am
V E R Y impressed with your progress roadscape. An extremely informative site that has quickly achieved the utility and appeal of bitsharesblocks by SVC.
One minor thing I noticed is I would like to see all tables sortable by column, like they are in the OL explorer. Also, a color legend so it is clear what the red & blue "section marker" characters represent and a legend for what colors represent on any display for that matter.
Love to hear cass' opinion on this, but as for me I believe color is a very valuable means of differentiating information, and I am rarely reluctant to use it. It takes zero screen real estate (except for perhaps a legend) and is a concise way of displaying lots of info in a small space. However, it does represent a big problem for colorblind individuals, who represent a significant population (7% of men and 0.4% of women worldwide). It is important to keep that in mind in your choice of colors (most colorblinds have some sort of deficiency discriminating red and green) as well as caution about the use of color for critical and safety related presentations (safety in the crypto context might represent risk or potential for loss of funds).
Are you still using Ruby on Rails for this as you did for selling your backgrounds and trinkets on cryptofresh in the 1.0 era?