Author Topic: Referral Program Questions - Migrate from 1.0 account to 2.0 account  (Read 3528 times)

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... though it is an easy thing to implement this in the GUI aswell .. its just a matter of man power and more pressing things atm :)

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you can check your cashback balance on<yourid> - claiming it is only possible via CLI (console)

Offline complexring

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thanks tonyk.  no wonder no one wants to use this product when even a simple thing like receiving referral awards back takes such a long time.  you'd think this would be done with the click of a button ...

Offline tonyk

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yessiree ... and that's total of all fees paid. haven't seen any that are not vested fees return as an added balance to my account ...
as I said use the cli to claim them, if you are in a rush

the main difference in my pic from yours  is it  does show the vested balance [called vesting balance]

ya, OL must not be using the same bitshares-2-ui clone from github that i am using for my local wallet, hence the image differences.  maybe they are using the graphene-2-ui clone instead ?  doesn't really matter, the entries are the same in both images, i.e. 'lifetime fees paid' ... thanks for the suggestion of using the CLI. 

doesn't exactly solve the problem of knowing what that command is in the cli to get these balances?  i didn't see it anywhere in the documentation or missed it. i'd pore through source code but would rather not.

ohh yee, it was an undocumented API when I tried to figure this stuff myself. check the tech support sub forum - I had a thread there and I finally got some answers. Never tried in it in reality to see which one of the few suggestion actually works. Be prepared you will have to go through a 2 step import process again before even attempting the claiming we talk about here

Good Luck.
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline complexring

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yessiree ... and that's total of all fees paid. haven't seen any that are not vested fees return as an added balance to my account ...
as I said use the cli to claim them, if you are in a rush

the main difference in my pic from yours  is it  does show the vested balance [called vesting balance]

ya, OL must not be using the same bitshares-2-ui clone from github that i am using for my local wallet, hence the image differences.  maybe they are using the graphene-2-ui clone instead ?  doesn't really matter, the entries are the same in both images, i.e. 'lifetime fees paid' ... thanks for the suggestion of using the CLI. 

doesn't exactly solve the problem of knowing what that command is in the cli to get these balances?  i didn't see it anywhere in the documentation or missed it. i'd pore through source code but would rather not.

Offline tonyk

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yessiree ... and that's total of all fees paid. haven't seen any that are not vested fees return as an added balance to my account ...
as I said use the cli to claim them, if you are in a rush

the main difference in my pic from yours  is it  does show the vested balance [called vesting balance]
« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 01:38:13 am by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline complexring

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yessiree ... and that's total of all fees paid. haven't seen any that are not vested fees return as an added balance to my account ...

Offline tonyk

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Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline complexring

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too many tabs isn't an issue ... 16 gigs of ram on a laptop will do that to you ... hehe .. anyways ...

regarding version compared to OL ... that was about a week ago old install. just did the latest pull from git.  doesn't change anything, fees still aren't there.

regardless, i did all this in the gui web wallet initially when it first came out, migrating the 1.0 account and then paying the lifetime membership on there, etc.  i would think that receiving the percentage of fees back would be automatic AND that you'd see the amount returned on the overview page (which may be the case for those who have this working properly, but isn't for me).  also, the feature shouldn't have been available in the initial wallet release if it wasn't going to work ...

So, unless Ander is right that there is some command one needs to pass in order to get this, I am not sure what's happening.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 01:18:09 am by complexring »

Offline tonyk

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Hi everyone,

I migrated my bitshares 1.0 account (or rather 0.93.c) using the standard mechanism (export keys, import into new gui wallet, etc.).  Very simple to do.  Even went ahead and cloned the source from git and built the web wallet to run locally on my mac osx el capitan.  Easy peasy.  In fact, I'll say I prefer the web interface over the gui-wallet any day.  That's besides the point ...

After the 2.0 launch happened, I happily paid the lifetime membership fee using the gui wallet, and how everything was set up / appeared on the interface indicated that since I had migrated my account and was paying for the membership fee, I was my own referrer.  This even shows that my account name (complexring) is the Lifetime Referrer. I would include screenshots of both the webwallet I'm running on my mac for my Lifetime member account and an account that I created via the gui wallet using my Lifetime membership account as the referrer, but I do not use forums enough and am unsure how to add an image that I have saved locally. Here are the imgur links instead: and .

Anyway, that's all well and good ... however, I don't see the 80% of the fees ever returning to my account after I've been trading on the exchange for awhile. 

As a sanity test, I performed a transfer to another account I created under complexring (complexring2 -- an apt name, for sure -- ) around the half hour.  I waited until the top of the hour for the 40 bts fee to move from pending to being paid.  80% of the fee I paid never showed up in my account.  Thinking I should wait longer, I sent the bts back to my original account.

On this leg of the roundtrip journey, I noticed that the fee was denoted as a 'pending vested fee' and not as a 'pending fee' -- which was the case on the first transfer.  This is odd since bts < 100 bts -- so why is this in the pending vested fee category ?  The fee was the same amount on both.

Not waiting for the top of the hour to see if this fee shows up in my paid referrer's account before I do this initial post.

What's going on?  What am I misunderstanding?  Do I not understand how the referral system works?  If so, it was poorly communicated and the interface outlines a different result than what actually occurs. 

Like what I've used so far ... but if this is a bug or if how the system works is poorly communicated, something needs to be fixed.

The good thing is you do not have too many tabs open  :)

On the issue itself - It does not looks like the  version  OL is currently running...may be it  an older version with no [or not full] support for referrals.

and as already pointed out even the latest gui does not support claiming those balances, but first things first - seeing the amounts first.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 01:04:51 am by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline complexring

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I have not seen that in the documentation ...

Offline Ander

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I think you have to execute some command to claim the saved BTS or something like that. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline complexring

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Hi everyone,

I migrated my bitshares 1.0 account (or rather 0.93.c) using the standard mechanism (export keys, import into new gui wallet, etc.).  Very simple to do.  Even went ahead and cloned the source from git and built the web wallet to run locally on my mac osx el capitan.  Easy peasy.  In fact, I'll say I prefer the web interface over the gui-wallet any day.  That's besides the point ...

After the 2.0 launch happened, I happily paid the lifetime membership fee using the gui wallet, and how everything was set up / appeared on the interface indicated that since I had migrated my account and was paying for the membership fee, I was my own referrer.  This even shows that my account name (complexring) is the Lifetime Referrer. I would include screenshots of both the webwallet I'm running on my mac for my Lifetime member account and an account that I created via the gui wallet using my Lifetime membership account as the referrer, but I do not use forums enough and am unsure how to add an image that I have saved locally. Here are the imgur links instead: and .

Anyway, that's all well and good ... however, I don't see the 80% of the fees ever returning to my account after I've been trading on the exchange for awhile. 

As a sanity test, I performed a transfer to another account I created under complexring (complexring2 -- an apt name, for sure -- ) around the half hour.  I waited until the top of the hour for the 40 bts fee to move from pending to being paid.  80% of the fee I paid never showed up in my account.  Thinking I should wait longer, I sent the bts back to my original account.

On this leg of the roundtrip journey, I noticed that the fee was denoted as a 'pending vested fee' and not as a 'pending fee' -- which was the case on the first transfer.  This is odd since bts < 100 bts -- so why is this in the pending vested fee category ?  The fee was the same amount on both.

Not waiting for the top of the hour to see if this fee shows up in my paid referrer's account before I do this initial post.

What's going on?  What am I misunderstanding?  Do I not understand how the referral system works?  If so, it was poorly communicated and the interface outlines a different result than what actually occurs. 

Like what I've used so far ... but if this is a bug or if how the system works is poorly communicated, something needs to be fixed.