@hybridd Recently I was reminded by a caring BTS Community member that forum mods can read our "personal" messages here.
Which raises the question, how safe are our funds on Sharebits when any forum mod has access to our withdrawal codes at any time?
To my knowledge this isn't the case? If it is, then this is indeed a security issue that must be discussed, however:
http://wiki.simplemachines.org/smf/Personal_messages_-_Are_administrators_able_to_view_their_members'_PMsHowever, the point was made to be that
administrators can violate a persons privacy by force-logging into their account (
moderators don't have this power), and then proceeding to read their private messages. I believe with new knowledge we have, there's a large incentive to add 2FA now.
Is the withdraw function not active yet? When I click on it it says I should be signed into my bitsharestalk account which I am.
Sign in using your security code. You need to enter this parameter to perform authenticated-required transactions.