BitShares isn't in the payment services business. 3rd party business on top of BitShares are.
This means we must support every business who wants to to build something on top of BitShares.
Those businesses will then atract new users.
Then we can worry about other stuff. Once we have a bigger (way bigger) user base that are not traders.
Rock solid foundation >> Traders and Businesses and Volume
Businesses >> Utility >> New users >> Profit
Jup .. that's what we were doing in Dublin at the Websummit .. getting more people on board .. and I am still in contact with some of the businesses there!
However, don't be too optimistic: It'll take time .. much more time .. Bitcoin's ecosystem wasn't deployed in 3 months either ..
I know. I'm not expecting BitShares to have many businesses already. I think we already have our hands full for now, plenty of work to do. I'm happy as long as you keep in contact. I'm not even worried about that for now because we need to bootstrap liquidity and volume first and that itself takes time. Only then can we think about other businesses imo.
I expect the next year for us to solidify more, get a good product, nice API, bots, etc hoping the exchanges that are with us to develop more and maybe a couple of other 3rd parties will see the potential and start doing something or maybe even a couple more exchanges to join. Basically hoping BitShares can stablish itself more as a brand, that's what we need.
After this first year then we will see if we're in conditions of supporting more businesses. I never expected any of the people you approached to jump right on board.. That takes time, plus, we need to improve our services first! So they dont get disappointed and can then offer their own services to new costumers.
You summed up perfectly how I see it @Akado .
Our unique selling proposition is the fact that we are an amazing decentralized exchange. There is plenty of money in that niche, especially if we aim to one day replace mainstream exchanges like NASDAQ or FOREX.
So I would love to have the voice of exchanges businesses in the committee and having them tell us the kind of fee structure they would like.
(Because I do not have the knowledge to make that kind of call personally)
@rgcrypto the problem is I dont think exchanges care enough to have a position on the committee or give their input on stuff because they can simply make money with other pairs. This means they don't acknowledge BitShares and it's advantages. We're not yet recognized as a brand and unique features. That will take it's time once we build more volume and get more competitive.