Author Topic: Price of BitShares on Dec 25th?  (Read 12154 times)

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#sharebits "CLains" 1 FISTBUMP
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Offline Chronos

I'm going to guess 609 satoshis. I know it's low, but at least it is the same number for people reading it upside down. That's a benefit.

Offline wallace

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Well, we're going to be somewhere between "a lump of coal" and 1250 it appears.

Until everyone finds out about the BIG DECEMBER NEWS.

So whats the big december news?

Is it: 

1) Bitcoin goes back to $1000, resulting in BTS to 300 sat.
2) NSR passes BTS in market cap, while continuing to increase in satoshi price.
3) Feed prices are removed from all smartcoins, not just bitCNY, resulting in every one of them becoming unusable.

or 4) All of the above

5) Ander Continues Public Display of Butthurt.  :P

Yea some of these guys are impatient and lack vision.  @Ander @tonyk.  They let price rule their emotions and fail to look at the big picture.  Here is what I said in August before 2.0 came out:

As investors, do we really think this next iteration will be the final version?  I have my doubts.  I have a feeling MPA's will be difficult to get right, but eventually the correct formula will be found.  Bitshares has been rebooted twice now.  First with the "merger" and now with 2.0.  I could foresee another reboot being necessary if this next version doesn't go exactly according to plan, but at least the dev team is willing to take on that task if necessary and not just try to patch things up if it doesn't work.

Ethereum has done a better job at underpromising and overdelivering, marketing 101.  They basically have told average users to stay far, far away with the frontier release.  In hindsight, bitshares should have done the same with their first release.  Realistically, both projects are probably near the same stage of development.  Ethereum has said it would be another year before a fairly stable user version is available.  I would expect bitshares to follow the same trajectory.  In 5 years we should have stable platforms for which to conduct all things finance, but it is just unrealistic to expect it anytime soon.  Who knows, maybe 2.0 will overdeliver, but it will be hard to overcome the hype yet again.

Pretty much spot on so far, although I don't think the whole thing will have to be rebooted again... just tweaks and feature adds here and there, which looks like a lot of work and will take time.  If you have paid attention to crypto development cycles so far, you could have seen this coming as I did and not believed all the hype.  I'm sure you guys have sold all here near the bottom. 

Here is another prediction for you.  Nushares will fail and become insolvent sometime over the next 5 years when bitcoin reaches the meat of its exponential rise during what I believe to be a developing primary 3rd wave in terms of elliott wave theory.  Volatility will destroy the peg.  As for now, I will admit I am also playing a further rise short term in Nushares as a small side bet.  The charts look poised for another rise.

sold doesn't mean quit. sold and buy at lower price, why not?
give me money, I will do...

Offline Helikopterben

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Well, we're going to be somewhere between "a lump of coal" and 1250 it appears.

Until everyone finds out about the BIG DECEMBER NEWS.

So whats the big december news?

Is it: 

1) Bitcoin goes back to $1000, resulting in BTS to 300 sat.
2) NSR passes BTS in market cap, while continuing to increase in satoshi price.
3) Feed prices are removed from all smartcoins, not just bitCNY, resulting in every one of them becoming unusable.

or 4) All of the above

5) Ander Continues Public Display of Butthurt.  :P

Yea some of these guys are impatient and lack vision.  @Ander @tonyk.  They let price rule their emotions and fail to look at the big picture.  Here is what I said in August before 2.0 came out:

As investors, do we really think this next iteration will be the final version?  I have my doubts.  I have a feeling MPA's will be difficult to get right, but eventually the correct formula will be found.  Bitshares has been rebooted twice now.  First with the "merger" and now with 2.0.  I could foresee another reboot being necessary if this next version doesn't go exactly according to plan, but at least the dev team is willing to take on that task if necessary and not just try to patch things up if it doesn't work.

Ethereum has done a better job at underpromising and overdelivering, marketing 101.  They basically have told average users to stay far, far away with the frontier release.  In hindsight, bitshares should have done the same with their first release.  Realistically, both projects are probably near the same stage of development.  Ethereum has said it would be another year before a fairly stable user version is available.  I would expect bitshares to follow the same trajectory.  In 5 years we should have stable platforms for which to conduct all things finance, but it is just unrealistic to expect it anytime soon.  Who knows, maybe 2.0 will overdeliver, but it will be hard to overcome the hype yet again.

Pretty much spot on so far, although I don't think the whole thing will have to be rebooted again... just tweaks and feature adds here and there, which looks like a lot of work and will take time.  If you have paid attention to crypto development cycles so far, you could have seen this coming as I did and not believed all the hype.  I'm sure you guys have sold all here near the bottom. 

Here is another prediction for you.  Nushares will fail and become insolvent sometime over the next 5 years when bitcoin reaches the meat of its exponential rise during what I believe to be a developing primary 3rd wave in terms of elliott wave theory.  Volatility will destroy the peg.  As for now, I will admit I am also playing a further rise short term in Nushares as a small side bet.  The charts look poised for another rise.

Offline Ander

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Heh, did you hear about Nushares going up?

Sunny must have forgotten to mention it.

I guess it's time to dump my zero day NuShares.

Thanks for the tip!

Youre welcome.  Please sell into my buy orders. :P | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Tuck Fheman

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Heh, did you hear about Nushares going up?

Sunny must have forgotten to mention it.

I guess it's time to dump my zero day NuShares.

Thanks for the tip!

Offline Ander

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Well, we're going to be somewhere between "a lump of coal" and 1250 it appears.

Until everyone finds out about the BIG DECEMBER NEWS.

So whats the big december news?

Is it: 

1) Bitcoin goes back to $1000, resulting in BTS to 300 sat.
2) NSR passes BTS in market cap, while continuing to increase in satoshi price.
3) Feed prices are removed from all smartcoins, not just bitCNY, resulting in every one of them becoming unusable.

or 4) All of the above

5) Ander Continues Public Display of Butthurt.  :P


Heh, did you hear about Nushares going up?  I'm making money on it.  Gonna hold some too for when it goes to 8000 sat. :P | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Tuck Fheman

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Well, we're going to be somewhere between "a lump of coal" and 1250 it appears.

Until everyone finds out about the BIG DECEMBER NEWS.

So whats the big december news?

Is it: 

1) Bitcoin goes back to $1000, resulting in BTS to 300 sat.
2) NSR passes BTS in market cap, while continuing to increase in satoshi price.
3) Feed prices are removed from all smartcoins, not just bitCNY, resulting in every one of them becoming unusable.

or 4) All of the above

5) Ander Continues Public Display of Butthurt.  :P

Offline Ander

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Well, we're going to be somewhere between "a lump of coal" and 1250 it appears.

Until everyone finds out about the BIG DECEMBER NEWS.

So whats the big december news?

Is it: 

1) Bitcoin goes back to $1000, resulting in BTS to 300 sat.
2) NSR passes BTS in market cap, while continuing to increase in satoshi price.
3) Feed prices are removed from all smartcoins, not just bitCNY, resulting in every one of them becoming unusable.

or 4) All of the above | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Tuck Fheman

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Well, we're going to be somewhere between "a lump of coal" and 1250 it appears.

Until everyone finds out about the BIG DECEMBER NEWS.

Offline tonyk

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1/4 of a Nushare.

I will take long as OpenLedger can come up with some dollar stable IOU on the BTS DEX :P
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline Ander

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Offline btstip

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