Everything we do to hurt the stake holders and speculators to please the so-called "real user demand" was based on a white dream . What kind of real users will use a system that haven't proven itself "too big to fail" like Bitcoin ? At this very early stage , stake holders and speculators are really taking out their money to pay for this eco-system , not the imaginary real user that will never come in the short term or long term (really , ask you aunt , your uncle , to use this system , see how they would react . Yeah ...I tried that one . )
Yes, I've tried the same. It wasn't pleasant.
What do you think we need right now? Surely you do not believe that settlement or SQP is the primary cause of the lack of users. I don't think settlement has hurt anyone; if it has it is arbitrarily small. I think the worries regarding it are overblown personally and should be fairly easily manageable. You just have to know about them.
I don't think smartcoins are going to work until a market is built up around it. And it may still need a lot of changes. I think they are complicated and difficult to explain.; The fact that they are designed to trade above parity is foreign and unnatural. But a lot of this need not be visible to a merchant or average user. The tools on top of smartcoins might be where we get simplicity. They will just work, and you don't need to worry about how.
For now, I think UIAs is where the action should be. A very reputable UIA is nearly as good as a smartcoin, and is free of all the complications and constraints.
What happened to the private MPA3.0s that were supposed to make MPA1.0 obsolete? I don't even remember how they were supposed to work.
UIA is a reasonable business .
But that's only if the market cap is big enough . NXT had UIA , only small time players play that .
All it comes down to is market cap . No marketcap , no real users , no business partners .
I doubt people and organizations would recognize bitcoin this much if its market cap is as small as BitShares .
BitShares had it all backwards . It chased away the speculators , the investors at the very early stage where it needs them the most (just like start-ups need VC instead of finding users to generate income slowly ) .
We can't get real users because the system is not big enough .
Users will not risk their money (yeah ..BTA claims no risk , just like a bank without a decent office asking people to deposit money in their bank ) for a small operation .
I used to believe the real user demand crap , until one day I realize I couldn't even ate at a restaurant below my basic comfort zone ...how could I expect other people to risk their wealth
on something that's based on speculators' liquidity (basic theory of BTA) while the speculators are being treated like they doesn't matter to the system , only real users does .
Even at today , when the developers propose to dilute to sell on the market , they didn't even know the precious buy order is not provided by the "real user" , but the "speculators" that they think was irrelevant to the greater cause .
As a freely traded object on the market , "demand" will not increase the value or the price of Bitsharws , because there is always supply . The supply will not decrease just because someone release a nice wallet and have good faith that this wallet is for freedom , life for all human beings .
"The relationship between Supply and Demand"(Really , why other people keep saying if we have development and features , demand increase then price will increase ?? DO they not read books at all That's not what it says in the books . ) is what decides the price . And that law hasn't been broken , even gold, with with world wide participant , its price can not go higher at any given cycle even with increasing user demand . The only way to increase the value is if enough investment capital to come in and balance the relationship between supply and demand over time . That's how the real world works . Users who buys gold can't not stop Gold's price dropping , only after a period of time (cycles in history) gold's price can recover and go higher . Real user demand sounds good , but in financial market , user demand hardly matters to the price of a freely traded object .
Product and Shares are totally different concepts . BTS are shares , BitCNY are too shares in a different form (still based on the speculative value of BYS) .
Users buy iPhones and contribute income for Apple . And investment capital (including all kinds of investment and retirement fund ) come to bet on the shares with more P/E ratio .
If Apple screws over the investment capital , no matter how many people uses iPhone , the price of Apple Stock will never recover in years .
That's why there is "customer support" and "investors relationship" department in Apple , because these two are not the same.
That's what's happening with BitShares . It thinks it can success with "real user demand" , just like they think Apple's stock price is the credit of Apple users alone , and not belong to the investment and retirement fund in the US .