Awhile back I wrote a message to bytemaster after finding out that Gentso stole such a large sum of money from our community for something that I was whole-heartedly backing and trying to help along--CryptoSmith. The pm contained a message saying (and I paraphrase here) "giving capital to people who have proven themselves over and over again is a far better choice than giving it to someone with a sweet-talking one-liner". Then I said something to the effect of "imagine what I would have done if I would have been trusted with that funding."
At this point, BM, who is obviously pretty damned busy asked me to hand out his BROWNIE.PTS, saying I would have all I need. I was conflicted at this juncture for multiple reasons...but much of it was because I felt like it was an "unfair advantage" within our community to be the sole distributor of Dan's token. So instead I focused on bringing in a team who could help me even the playing field by making it easy to send tokens directly from the forum and in a way that left a transparent record with the forums as the archive. Most people are unaware of this, but I had the intention for quite some time (and in no way due to the attacks I received for accepting it in the first place) of stepping down from this glorious post to give back this role to BM...
but only after it had been made very easy for him to distribute on his own. However, I was intent on also ensuring others can create their own token and send it in a similar fashion---because why should BM be the only one able to distribute his own token to those who work and provide value to our community? Is he the ONLY community member who can create a token that will end up having value in the future? The answer is an obvious no.
Now the bot is running pretty well and only really needs some UI polishing and a few other small it is now possible for BM to pass out tokens easily on his own. Because of that, I feel comfortable stepping down from this post and giving it back to him. In fact, I sent him the following messages just a few days ago:
I would like to know if your idea to give me brownies to help coordinate and build onto the bitshares community was worth it. I have taken these funds (and a large large sum of my own money) to help ensure the construction of a system that allows you to Disintermediate ME out of the equation--though admittedly I did use some brownies to test and help pay for some of the extra stuff (like the construction of the Guest List tool).
It is very easy now for you to simply fund your account and pass out tokens wherever you feel necessary using simple syntax on the forum. Alternatively, you will be able to share tokens natively on twitter and reddit through the BitShares accounts on those platforms and will be able to use URL links (and every platform that supports URLs--which is pretty much the entire web up to and including email lists) to send any tokens of your choosing. In short, because you trusted me...I got something built that would make it easier for you (and everyone else) to distribute their own tokens. Ask yourselves how many people you know in the bitshares space who would have done the same.
I thank you for your trust and hope you have walked away from this one with a sense that trusting people doesn't always backfire---when you trust the ones who have sacrificed and proven they deserve it. 
However, it seems that now because of
this Poll the entire project might be forced out of our forums...which is one of the MAIN REASONS it was built.
Regardless, you have now all been informed of my intentions and also that I am backing out of distributing Brownies from now on. With that said, it looks like I might be out of the realm of passing out tokens to community members altogether because to be frank this tool made the job SO EASY that I refuse to go back to sending them via the wallet and keeping track of them via a spreadsheet.
Have a good day everyone and
@fav i'd love to know all these people who complained so I can at least face those who attacked me and this project. Seems that there are many who don't want these tools added for some reason...and
I deserve to know who provoked you to post the poll (especially with such a blatantly biased slant).
@bytemaster sorry for this post to have been the way it was. I seriously thought I would be able to announce it with a smile and a few fistbumps/highfives/brownies thrown my way...but apparently things can never be so easy. So my victory post turns into something completely different of regret for even helping. I suppose it would have been better after all if I had just stuck to using brownies for my own enrichment and not thought the community would actually be stunned and thankful for this move.