Author Topic: POLL: Why are you still hodling BTS?  (Read 19996 times)

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Offline Riverhead

Tech is the best IMO, but PR is very bad... Why doesn't BM travel the US and the world to spread the words of BitShares? :)
Merry Christmas!

Stan did a great job in China :).

Offline clayop

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Tech is the best IMO, but PR is very bad... Why doesn't BM travel the US and the world to spread the words of BitShares? :)
Merry Christmas!
Bitshares Korea -
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Offline xeroc

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I am hodling because I understand the tech and know that there is not a single competitor having solved as many problems as graphene/bitshares.
This tech is so amazing and the devs have put so much flexibility and imho people simply dont understand it yet ..

Offline cass

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Out of pure stupidity, naivety and masochism.

Stupidity well that one is obvious.

Naivety - for blindly believing for 2.5 years that BM has a great talent, intention and dedication to build the best financial system on the planet - when in reality as it is obvious now he s here just to get paid by diluting BTS while doing whatever new comes to his mind each week. The exchange and smartcoins part is now gone in favour of whatever new 'idea' he has... some mutual something I believe is the latest invention that will bring the bright future...for sure.

Masochism - aside from greatly enjoying my investment fall 90%, while the leader of the project is enjoying his endless thought experiments. I also enjoy being lectured by  someone that has no stake in the project how my financial loses are nothing according to him, while at the same time from his high horse he is teaching me which sacrifices he values and which he considers ridiculous complains... to say nothing the enjoyment it brings to be educated that "what makes dpos amazing is that it gives the community surrounding a project the ability to decide how to distribute their tokens. " 

Merry X-mas

Merry X-mas dude :)

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Offline tonyk

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Out of pure stupidity, naivety and masochism.

Stupidity well that one is obvious.

Naivety - for blindly believing for 2.5 years that BM has a great talent, intention and dedication to build the best financial system on the planet - when in reality as it is obvious now he s here just to get paid by diluting BTS while doing whatever new comes to his mind each week. The exchange and smartcoins part is now gone in favour of whatever new 'idea' he has... some mutual something I believe is the latest invention that will bring the bright future...for sure.

Masochism - aside from greatly enjoying my investment fall 90%, while the leader of the project is enjoying his endless thought experiments. I also enjoy being lectured by  someone that has no stake in the project how my financial loses are nothing according to him, while at the same time from his high horse he is teaching me which sacrifices he values and which he considers ridiculous complains... to say nothing the enjoyment it brings to be educated that "what makes dpos amazing is that it gives the community surrounding a project the ability to decide how to distribute their tokens. " 

Merry X-mas
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.


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I remember the incredible sense of excitement I felt playing around in the cli for the first time after compiling the client. The combination of price-stable currencies, 10 second consensus, and anonymity was a revelation.

It was like my own interface to an open-source version of swift or something - felt very dark-web and empowering.

That excitement was probably matched by shock, when the community chose the "bts as equity rather than currency" model to continue funding itself. To me using inflation/dilution made us no  better than central-banks and there was a loss of legitimacy.

I never sold - but stopped investing at that point.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2015, 09:02:44 pm by julian1 »

Offline fuzzy

why not? Cause i don't have any BTS to hold .. unfortunately i had to sell them over the past weeks  to get some private related challenge solved

Man it sucks when the core devs dont have any stake in the project :(

tbh yes, it's not the best motivation .. but i will publish a worker proposal soon..
Good. And dump more.  :P

lol ---  .. or stop contributing .. i don't know what's better choice for BTS .. stakeholder should decide it ..
(and who says i will sell them, don't you think, as i'm contributing nearly 2.5 years now ... i'm not a believer?
Maybe u are right, i will rethink my consideration again ... as i don't want to dump 1 BTS if possible :P )

Merry Xmas ...

what makes dpos amazing is that it gives the community surrounding a project the ability to decide how to distribute their tokens.  to me the people who build and work for bitshares should be given tokens in the system.  there is no better way to distribute.  people for some reason forget that while they complain others are carrying weight and moving constantly to help bring value to bitshares...then i see people just make ridiculous comments like this. 

please good sir show me what you have done lately.  what sacrifices have you made personally? and dont tell me you pay by losing money.  in this space it is absurd to think its going to be all upside all the time. :/
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Offline Riverhead

Surprised I'm the only one who has chosen I believe some bank/exchange is going to adopt BitShares as their backend.
  • Bitshares running on Graphene is an insanely powerful purpose built system.
  • Requires very little power to run, especially at scale, that other consensus systems can only dream of.
  • Has a dedicated team behind it continually enhancing an molding it.
I hold because I believe crypto is just coming out off its shell and Bitshares has yet to be discovered. I hold because I believe there is a combination of use case and enhancement that'll click and adoption will soar. All the ideological benefits many are seeking will come along for the ride.

Offline cass

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why not? Cause i don't have any BTS to hold .. unfortunately i had to sell them over the past weeks  to get some private related challenge solved

Man it sucks when the core devs dont have any stake in the project :(

tbh yes, it's not the best motivation .. but i will publish a worker proposal soon..
Good. And dump more.  :P

lol ---  .. or stop contributing .. i don't know what's better choice for BTS .. stakeholder should decide it ..
(and who says i will sell them, don't you think, as i'm contributing nearly 2.5 years now ... i'm not a believer?
Maybe u are right, i will rethink my consideration again ... as i don't want to dump 1 BTS if possible :P )

Merry Xmas ...
« Last Edit: December 24, 2015, 05:24:42 pm by cass »
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why not? Cause i don't have any BTS to hold .. unfortunately i had to sell them over the past weeks  to get some private related challenge solved

Man it sucks when the core devs dont have any stake in the project :(

tbh yes, it's not the best motivation .. but i will publish a worker proposal soon..
Good. And dump more.  :P
« Last Edit: December 24, 2015, 05:10:07 pm by abit »
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Offline cass

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why not? Cause i don't have any BTS to hold .. unfortunately i had to sell them over the past weeks  to get some private related challenge solved

Man it sucks when the core devs dont have any stake in the project :(

tbh yes, it's not the best motivation .. but i will publish a worker proposal soon..
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Offline lil_jay890

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I bought because I thought bitshares was going to be a levered play on bitcoin and it would have a higher beta than bitcoin. I bought cuz I read that article by Stan talking about some giant sucking noise of all the money running out of bitcoin and into dpos.

Now I'm a bagholder...

Offline Thom

I'm here for the cause. 

Rather than just whining about the fed, or attempting to join the mafia with the hopes that we can change the mafia from within, BitShares is a direct attempt at competition.  If we can make the bankers and the politicians redundant, then we will have won. 

I HODL, because of a wish for a better future.  A future where people are free to meet each others needs, without the distortions, manipulations, and theft of our current system. 

I HODL out of care for my genes, and compassion for all mankind.

Eloquent and to the point. Couldn't have said it better.
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I hold some BTS with the hope that BitShares continues to evolve to support MUSE. I also hope to buy back in if it drops to where I'm speculating.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2015, 04:37:00 pm by TravelsAsia »

Offline speedy

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why not? Cause i don't have any BTS to hold .. unfortunately i had to sell them over the past weeks  to get some private related challenge solved

Man it sucks when the core devs dont have any stake in the project :(