Tech is the best IMO, but PR is very bad... Why doesn't BM travel the US and the world to spread the words of BitShares?
Merry Christmas!
Stan did a great job in China
So result in a pump from China? Or a new startup company based on bts System come from China?
If I'm a startup , I would not put my business in something that it can be devalued overnight if some guy in another country stop working on it,or went on a month of traveling , or arrested by the US government .
At best , I would fork one , or just use a centralized solution .
I don't need some half-way decentralized solution that must be sustained by some certain individuals .
If it's finished , then promote it as finished and act like it's finished . If not , why would I risk my business for some random people's grant experiment for mankind ?
With blockchain , I don't need to trust anybody . Just need to trust some developer in the US that would finish it one day in a uncertain future.
Business only need enough features and a finished product . They have no concern for mankind . They shouldn't risk their business for such cause, and wouldn't .
I hate to burst some bubble . But that's how business choose a IT system . They're not speculators who wish to buy in before it has been proved .