Author Topic: POLL: Why are you still hodling BTS?  (Read 20081 times)

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Offline Empirical1.2

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blockchain seems not for individual, but for company or business

It's great for mini IPO's with no red tape.

But as you can tell from XCP & NXT (15 of top 20 UIA's) it doesn't quickly translate to increased market CAP.

XCP + NXT < BTS & BTS is still way behind them in terms of UIA adoption.

SmartCoins/BitStock adoption, Grey Area blockchain based businesses or Overstock/Microsoft type announcement will increase BTS value.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2015, 11:58:31 am by Empirical1.2 »
If you want to take the island burn the boats

Offline xiahui135

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blockchain seems not for individual, but for company or business

Offline DMo09

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Because... is there a better 24-month high-growth opportunity with a better cause or technology?


Offline Stan

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Tech is the best IMO, but PR is very bad... Why doesn't BM travel the US and the world to spread the words of BitShares? :)
Merry Christmas!

Stan did a great job in China :).
So result in a pump from China? Or a new startup company based on bts System come from China?

If I'm a startup , I would not put my business in something that it can be devalued overnight if some guy in another country stop working on it,or went on a month of traveling , or arrested by the US government .
At best , I would fork one , or just use a centralized solution .

I don't need some half-way decentralized solution that must be sustained by some certain individuals .
If it's finished , then promote it as finished and act like it's finished  . If not , why would I risk my business for some random people's grant experiment for mankind ?

With blockchain , I don't need to trust anybody . Just need to trust some developer in the US that would finish it one day in a uncertain future. 

Business only need enough features and a finished product . They have no concern for mankind . They shouldn't risk their business for such cause, and wouldn't  .

I hate to burst some bubble . But that's how business choose a IT system  . They're not speculators who wish to buy in before it has been proved .

All businesses start out that way.  Unproven.  Risky.  Struggling to attract big customers for all the reasons you have said.

So you need to bootstrap them in narrow applications wherever you can gain traction.

Appealing to certain demographics of ideology-driven early adopters is one way to bootstrap a system to the point where you have the liquidity and market depth to attract the "no-nonsense" businesses that aren't interested in being early adopters.

Right now we've got a powerful boiler stuffed full of big old logs that aren't quite hot enough to catch fire.  We need some kindling get things going. 

That's where adding specialized applications comes in.  Think about it.  That's how facebook and twitter started before they went viral.  Even Bitcoin.  Tessla started out targeting early adopters with a high end product, long before they could offer something affordable to mainstream users.

So that's what we work on next.  Appealing to specialized demographics and building a few applications with self-sustaining business models in areas where competition is not yet established.  As those gain traction, the logs will heat up and eventually burst into flame.

Then the system will be useful for the hard-nosed businessman that just want's liquidity and self-sustaining operations.

Some seem to argue that we should not waste time on kindling.

« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 02:58:00 pm by Stan »
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Offline btswildpig

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Tech is the best IMO, but PR is very bad... Why doesn't BM travel the US and the world to spread the words of BitShares? :)
Merry Christmas!

Stan did a great job in China :).
So result in a pump from China? Or a new startup company based on bts System come from China?

If I'm a startup , I would not put my business in something that it can be devalued overnight if some guy in another country stop working on it,or went on a month of traveling , or arrested by the US government .
At best , I would fork one , or just use a centralized solution .

I don't need some half-way decentralized solution that must be sustained by some certain individuals .
If it's finished , then promote it as finished and act like it's finished  . If not , why would I risk my business for some random people's grant experiment for mankind ?

With blockchain , I don't need to trust anybody . Just need to trust some developer in the US that would finish it one day in a uncertain future. 

Business only need enough features and a finished product . They have no concern for mankind . They shouldn't risk their business for such cause, and wouldn't  .

I hate to burst some bubble . But that's how business choose a IT system  . They're not speculators who wish to buy in before it has been proved .
« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 12:44:28 pm by btswildpig »
这个是私人账号,表达的一切言论均不代表任何团队和任何人。This is my personal account , anything I said with this account will be my opinion alone and has nothing to do with any group.


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In ten years 1 BTS could be 100 dollar.

Offline abit

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Tech is the best IMO, but PR is very bad... Why doesn't BM travel the US and the world to spread the words of BitShares? :)
Merry Christmas!

Stan did a great job in China :).
So result in a pump from China? Or a new startup company based on bts System come from China?
« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 11:13:59 am by abit »
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Offline mirrax

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Sold at 3k, never regret.

Might buy back at 300.
Enjoy your emission model!

Offline btswildpig

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One day, everyone who paid, everyone who held, everyone who worked, developed and built this platform will have something of value. There is already something of great value, an incredible community and an incredible blockchain platform. It's unfortunate that there have been casualties in order to get here. We've made mistakes and in our pursuit of overcoming funding issues and being at the bleeding edge of R&D, there are valued community members that have lost conviction and on the face of it, capital. I hope that we can regain their conviction or at the very least, return them to parity on their investment.

For me, the risks are far outweighed by the potential benefits.....there is no other realistic competition to the current financial system and there is no other blockchain platform like BitShares. Let's not forget, Dan is the primary reason BitShares exists at all. He's inspired a dedicated and extraordinarily talented development team. He's inspired this with proven resilience, remarkable dynamism and great integrity.

I genuinely believe that the biggest existing issue is time. Time to get things right. We've got so much less to get right tomorrow than we had yesterday. This was never going to be easy but we can do it....we can realise a vision that empowers the entire human race.

Merry Christams

well , a little birdie tells me that what you've seen on the market doesn't not constitute all the blockchain product in existence  . So let's not dance around the "best" card just yet .
这个是私人账号,表达的一切言论均不代表任何团队和任何人。This is my personal account , anything I said with this account will be my opinion alone and has nothing to do with any group.

Offline Ben Mason

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One day, everyone who paid, everyone who held, everyone who worked, developed and built this platform will have something of value. There is already something of great value, an incredible community and an incredible blockchain platform. It's unfortunate that there have been casualties in order to get here. We've made mistakes and in our pursuit of overcoming funding issues and being at the bleeding edge of R&D, there are valued community members that have lost conviction and on the face of it, capital. I hope that we can regain their conviction or at the very least, return them to parity on their investment.

For me, the risks are far outweighed by the potential benefits.....there is no other realistic competition to the current financial system and there is no other blockchain platform like BitShares. Let's not forget, Dan is the primary reason BitShares exists at all. He's inspired a dedicated and extraordinarily talented development team. He's inspired this with proven resilience, remarkable dynamism and great integrity.

I genuinely believe that the biggest existing issue is time. Time to get things right. We've got so much less to get right tomorrow than we had yesterday. This was never going to be easy but we can do it....we can realise a vision that empowers the entire human race.

Merry Christams

Offline NewMine

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Out of pure stupidity, naivety and masochism.

Stupidity well that one is obvious.

Naivety - for blindly believing for 2.5 years that BM has a great talent, intention and dedication to build the best financial system on the planet - when in reality as it is obvious now he s here just to get paid by diluting BTS while doing whatever new comes to his mind each week. The exchange and smartcoins part is now gone in favour of whatever new 'idea' he has... some mutual something I believe is the latest invention that will bring the bright future...for sure.

Masochism - aside from greatly enjoying my investment fall 90%, while the leader of the project is enjoying his endless thought experiments. I also enjoy being lectured by  someone that has no stake in the project how my financial loses are nothing according to him, while at the same time from his high horse he is teaching me which sacrifices he values and which he considers ridiculous complains... to say nothing the enjoyment it brings to be educated that "what makes dpos amazing is that it gives the community surrounding a project the ability to decide how to distribute their tokens. " 

Merry X-mas

Holy shit. You do realize I have been saying this for over a year now, right?

Offline tonyk

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I hold on because I believe in the cause and the pursuit of free market solutions to securing life, liberty, and property.

We are constantly learning and improving. Crypto isn't currently ready for the main stream.  No one has quite figured it out yet. 

Graphene and BitShares is an amazing foundation.  We just need to keep focus on a higher purpose and not get caught up in "price". 

CNX is 110% behind BitShares and is dropping any and all distractions other than improving the BitShares ecosystem.

The price , liquidity , gaining more capital and speculation so that BTA can be created and redeemed with real liquidity are also a important part of the BitShares eco-system .
In fact , from the design of BTA , it's safe to assume that everything about it has a strong tie to the price and speculation .
If people do not caught up in the price , then they don't form an opinion on long/short position , then no BTA market .

ooh wild pig.... you have not heard the news? smar coins are so yesterday now... we have a new thingy...'mutual something -' no prices needed - you just smoke drink or drive like crazy and 100's of people pay for it.... money maker no doubt!

BTS smar coins tm - and yes the 't' is intentionally in 75% finished 'smart coin'
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline btswildpig

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I hold on because I believe in the cause and the pursuit of free market solutions to securing life, liberty, and property.

We are constantly learning and improving. Crypto isn't currently ready for the main stream.  No one has quite figured it out yet. 

Graphene and BitShares is an amazing foundation.  We just need to keep focus on a higher purpose and not get caught up in "price". 

CNX is 110% behind BitShares and is dropping any and all distractions other than improving the BitShares ecosystem.

The price , liquidity , gaining more capital and speculation so that BTA can be created and redeemed with real liquidity are also a important part of the BitShares eco-system .
In fact , from the design of BTA , it's safe to assume that everything about it has a strong tie to the price and speculation .
If people do not caught up in the price , then they don't form an opinion on long/short position , then no BTA market .
这个是私人账号,表达的一切言论均不代表任何团队和任何人。This is my personal account , anything I said with this account will be my opinion alone and has nothing to do with any group.

Offline tonyk

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We are light-years ahead of where we were 30 months ago.

...would we be as willing to start today as we were back before we had any of that?

Uh, yeah...

Merry Christmas everyone, we are just getting started.

I know you are exited. You believe you have combined the money printing press with the ability to live in a lala land and spend the time dreaming of the virtual reality of only your own genius inventions all around.

Unfortunately for you the price of BTS is  not only the bell it is supposed to be [ringing and informing you of the sanity of your decisions as you make them], but also the limiting factor on the total craziness one [read you] is able to go. And it when it starts ringing - 'Nothing else financeable', 6-9 mo. from now I am sure you will hear it [or will not be able to deny it anyways].

It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so.

Will Rogers

Yes, that is partially what I mean * - your self assuredness ain't so... fact based.

* referred in my previous post as the "ability to live in a lala land "
« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 05:41:53 am by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline Stan

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We are light-years ahead of where we were 30 months ago.

...would we be as willing to start today as we were back before we had any of that?

Uh, yeah...

Merry Christmas everyone, we are just getting started.

I know you are exited. You believe you have combined the money printing press with the ability to live in a lala land and spend the time dreaming of the virtual reality of only your own genius inventions all around.

Unfortunately for you the price of BTS is  not only the bell it is supposed to be [ringing and informing you of the sanity of your decisions as you make them], but also the limiting factor on the total craziness one [read you] is able to go. And it when it starts ringing - 'Nothing else financeable', 6-9 mo. from now I am sure you will hear it [or will not be able to deny it anyways].

It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so.

Will Rogers
Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.