Few tl;dr points here, feel free to PM me directly, or post in Freebie with questions:
The very first share drop Ronny did didn't entirely execute properly (an error occured, so some people got missed). This was a share drop on OBITS and BROWNIE.PTS. We produced a list of people who held brownies, but didn't receive anything from that initial drop (likewise with OBITS) ... this drop was to correct it for those who didn't receive from the initial drop (tl;dr you might not be on the list if you don't hold brownies on BTS 2.0, or you did receive a part of the initial drop).
Since then we've sorted out the issues thanks to the tests Ronnie and clayop did.
To enter in an authenticated session on sharebits.io via BitsharesTalk you need to generate a security code which can be done under the security tab. This is to prove you are the real owner of the account. An authenticated session lets you withdraw funds, generate tips, etc.