You are correct. I meant trading fee's, not transfer fee's. If trading fee's are left alone or increased, using the referral program to support MT4 implementation is still viable.
Do you see an FBA that take the revenues from the trading_fee and account_upgrade?
It may work.
I'm not sure if the committee members who wanted to lower the transfer fee's also wanted to lower the trading fee's. I may have incorrectly assumed they wanted to reduce both sets of fee's.
At present, the % trading_fee is up to the issuer of the asset, so committee have no power outside bitassets.
Moreover, at present, the trading fee are not subject to the referral program (committee have nothing to do with this), but there are two proposed change about it:
-BSIP#4 "Distribute Market Fees on Core Asset to Referral Program" and
-BSIP#6"Market Maker Incentivization"
I still think we should also and mainly consider to have a global % trading fee that apply as basic % trading fee that every issuer owe to the network. (it could be very low, since it apply to both side of every market)
(at the end of the day the platform allow the issuer to create his asset and manage all the trades, the platform gives him a trading engine, so imo make sense to have a global fee for it)
Anyway, with the last Fee Schedule, the committee actually would like to *activate* the % trading fee on bitassets (atm there is only a fee for create and cancel order, but not a % trading fee)
So the committee would like to do just the opposite of what you thought, I guess.
As far as your question of why someone who trades with thousands of dollars would only trade 3 times a day. That's an average i'm taking based on my experience and the time I have spent with other traders in various trading groups. There are people who trade millions of dollars and maybe only make 1 or 2 trades a week. The amount of capital a trader has doesn't dictate the amount of trades a trader makes.
I see, I am not a trader so I just trust you on this point.
Maybe things are a little bit different for those who provides bot?
But at the end of the day, with % trading fee, is not really important the number of trades, but the volume actually.
The whole point of this thread was to talk about why there is a lack of liquidity on the DEX and how it could be addressed in a low risk way. MT4 would drive much more liquidity to the bts platform, but the only way I can see it being implemented and profitable would be if the referral program could be used to generate income.
I would like to see a plugin for MT4 too.
Personally I would see the biggest revenue stream from the account_upgrade operation. Moreover if the shareholders like the idea of restricting some features only to LTM.