Assuming we implement this feature in the BTS / USD market and voters approve workers funding this at a rate of 2.5 BTS / sec (50% of allowed dilution) and the internal exchange had $100,000 of daily volume then users trading on the internal exchange would see a 1% more than they would get by trading off chain. If daily volume was $50,000 then they would see a 2% profit over doing the same trades off-chain.
are you crazy?
I don`t understand why you have this idea, you change the rule of bts2.0,
BM do you forget the merge that hurt bts so badly?maybe you want to improve bts using you way , but don`t change the rule first , I also think btser would not agree this idea ?
there are many operation can been done to improve bts
like margin trade
but I think many of btser would reject to force fork !