Author Topic: Testing Stealth UI  (Read 30455 times)

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Offline jamesc

I have added remote backups...  I was able to create Private accounts see them backed up to the server.   The encryption changed so don't expect any old TEST wallets to work.  You should be able to delete your old wallet under Settings -> Wallet Management Console..   If you delete all old wallets you'll get to use the faucet signup again.

Here is a quick video about the server backups:

Be aware, you will not see a transfer receipt if you send to an account in your own wallet; you can however use the "show receipt" link in the history to see it.  However, there are a lot of bug in the transfers.. I could not see the history and found it really hard to test.  That is minor stuff but too annoying to really mess with now.  I think that needs to be fixed up before we spend time on that.

I was able to backup new accounts, transfers, and contacts on the server and as you can see start using the restore feature.  It is easy to get into a conflict with the server if you start testing local backups.  I'll keep working on that, it will be stable soon.

Offline CLains

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Start with an mvp, then make it simpler, then make it stupid simple, then make it simpler than that,  then make it easier to use, then make it idiot proof, then make it visually appealing,  then make it blindingly obvious  :P

We're at step 2 with this feature, but that's how it goes, take baby steps to da moon and enjoy the ride  ;)


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Can you explain what a private contact is?  It appears that if you "add" one, it simply changes the name of the private account.  And if you "add" another one, it just changes the name of the private account again.  So it appears this is nothing more than an alias.  If so, then why is it called a contact?  And why is the process of creating one so convoluted?

Also, when I try to send, I am unable to do so because the fee is 2,000,000.  I don't get any of this.

Private contactaccount is an alias to a private key.
Private contact is an alias to a public key.
If you already have a private account, adding private contact with the same key will just rename your private account, this is not a bug.

This is needlessly convoluted.  Average users will be completely turned off and will not use it.  Surely you can see that.


It needs to be stupid simple.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2016, 12:34:23 am by TravelsAsia »

Offline tbone

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Can you explain what a private contact is?  It appears that if you "add" one, it simply changes the name of the private account.  And if you "add" another one, it just changes the name of the private account again.  So it appears this is nothing more than an alias.  If so, then why is it called a contact?  And why is the process of creating one so convoluted?

Also, when I try to send, I am unable to do so because the fee is 2,000,000.  I don't get any of this.

Private contactaccount is an alias to a private key.
Private contact is an alias to a public key.
If you already have a private account, adding private contact with the same key will just rename your private account, this is not a bug.

This is needlessly convoluted.  Average users will be completely turned off and will not use it.  Surely you can see that.

Offline Bhuz

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Can you explain what a private contact is?  It appears that if you "add" one, it simply changes the name of the private account.  And if you "add" another one, it just changes the name of the private account again.  So it appears this is nothing more than an alias.  If so, then why is it called a contact?  And why is the process of creating one so convoluted?

Also, when I try to send, I am unable to do so because the fee is 2,000,000.  I don't get any of this.

Private contact is an alias to a private key.
Private contact is an alias to a public key.
If you already have a private account, adding private contact with the same key will just rename your private account, this is not a bug.

He said "if you add another one", so I supposed he was trying to add another key...anyway

Do you need some info from the console for the bugs I mentioned eariler?

Offline xeroc

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Private contactaccount is an alias to a private key.
Private contact is an alias to a public key.
If you already have a private account, adding private contact with the same key will just rename your private account, this is not a bug.

Offline valzav

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Can you explain what a private contact is?  It appears that if you "add" one, it simply changes the name of the private account.  And if you "add" another one, it just changes the name of the private account again.  So it appears this is nothing more than an alias.  If so, then why is it called a contact?  And why is the process of creating one so convoluted?

Also, when I try to send, I am unable to do so because the fee is 2,000,000.  I don't get any of this.

Private contactaccount is an alias to a private key.
Private contact is an alias to a public key.
If you already have a private account, adding private contact with the same key will just rename your private account, this is not a bug.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2016, 05:29:48 pm by valzav »

Offline Bhuz

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Can you explain what a private contact is?  It appears that if you "add" one, it simply changes the name of the private account.  And if you "add" another one, it just changes the name of the private account again.  So it appears this is nothing more than an alias.  If so, then why is it called a contact?  And why is the process of creating one so convoluted?

Also, when I try to send, I am unable to do so because the fee is 2,000,000.  I don't get any of this.

If your "add" only change the name of the previous one and not acually add a new contact, then this behavior is just a bug.

Offline tbone

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The stealth demo is updated here. A lot of issues have been fixed.
Known issues:
1. It won't keep your old - you need to create your accounts again.
2. It doesn't show your accounts right away if you are creating it with faucet - you need to refresh the page.
3. It won't show your accounts until you unlock the wallet.

Can you explain what a private contact is?  It appears that if you "add" one, it simply changes the name of the private account.  And if you "add" another one, it just changes the name of the private account again.  So it appears this is nothing more than an alias.  If so, then why is it called a contact?  And why is the process of creating one so convoluted?

Also, when I try to send, I am unable to do so because the fee is 2,000,000.  I don't get any of this.

Offline puppies

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It worked for me.  We really really need to make sure all of the bugs are worked out before this goes live on the real chain.  Also need to clean up the ui to do things like show you how much you have in your blinded accounts, and not make you go to the console for the receipt. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline Bhuz

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The stealth demo is updated here. A lot of issues have been fixed.
Known issues:
1. It won't keep your old - you need to create your accounts again.
2. It doesn't show your accounts right away if you are creating it with faucet - you need to refresh the page.
3. It won't show your accounts until you unlock the wallet.

-The receipt is not showing in the GUI

-Using the receipt in the console, I am getting: "-- receiveBlindTransfer error --> Error: Missing required field: Label is required unless a private key is provided(…)"

-Trying a transfer from blind-account to public-account, I am getting: "10 assert_exception: Assert Exception↵in[i-1] < in…":[]}}]}}↵    th_a  confidential.cpp:133 validate"


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I created an account: teststealth1
I created a private account ~privacct
I tried to send 50,000 TEST from: teststealth1 - to: ~privacct

The pop up dialog instead says Amount: 7,050.32704 TEST

When I click send I get an error:
Code: [Select]
10 assert_exception: Assert Exception fc::ecc::verify_sum( {public_c}, out, 0 ): {"net_public":705032704} th_a confidential.cpp:51 validate graphene-ui digest 474bccecce519840a25d969a51b04e27b4ad68fdb0bcf45f7b2b324c6c47f5a1 transaction 27df07d4387a1706de56012740420f00000000000000f2052a0000000000fa012a363869393eb7fb0935b232b7e4617207775a2cce73818e1524f4a57a93f09f0103148d3ba7b9a19d301380e35636107d1cd3b978b21ec126ed283d8865b549254c00010000000001037885e2d2dfd4dcec9432339c6cc402c3abd7768597676297808399890d6ae28f0100000000 {"ref_block_num":57127,"ref_block_prefix":2050544647,"expiration":"2016-03-07T22:52:07","operations":[[39,{"fee":{"amount":"1000000","asset_id":"1.3.0"},"amount":{"amount":"705032704","asset_id":"1.3.0"},"from":"1.2.250","blinding_factor":"2a363869393eb7fb0935b232b7e4617207775a2cce73818e1524f4a57a93f09f","outputs":[{"commitment":"03148d3ba7b9a19d301380e35636107d1cd3b978b21ec126ed283d8865b549254c","range_proof":"","owner":{"weight_threshold":1,"account_auths":[],"key_auths":[["TEST7kK8PHaaRGxwhKWqVd78G3YcL7N36pNGDx1tmUXRLSZ2dkKjoh",1]],"address_auths":[]}}]}]],"extensions":[],"signatures":["1f76ca50b4f2752b78cc6da2df85757aa71583a7b51f3d9b1bcfe9ba7655da4eb45287b3674f2fb114b7b5fcf7f7b5d2e0c724a0f73191aa5b797139389568125a"]}
Now on the dashboard I've got a private contact ~@teststealth1 that I didn't create.

Offline valzav

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The stealth demo is updated here. A lot of issues have been fixed.
Known issues:
1. It won't keep your old - you need to create your accounts again.
2. It doesn't show your accounts right away if you are creating it with faucet - you need to refresh the page.
3. It won't show your accounts until you unlock the wallet.

Offline karnal

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I suppose this has been discussed before, but isn't there a way to derive the keys used for stealth such that every new stealth transaction doesn't equal a backup ?

Offline Akado

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Code: [Select]
Failed to create account: srwr2 - 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception referrer_percent <= 100: {} th_a wallet.cpp:926 register_account {"name":"srwr2","owner":"TEST6gsdQYaPmUFQQ8A5npPhmfmwVJspfDciWgV3yB2pNLpCcm1zvN","active":"TEST7bDuu4GcrMgA3J8KFxXSVYVW7X33SHxpUkwLp3Gb9UXNZvXfC2","registrar_account":"faucet","referrer_account":"compumatrix1","referrer_percent":5000,"broadcast":true} th_a wallet.cpp:977 register_account | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads