After the one week s4l1h and I elected here is what happened:
- mmcvotes got huge updates. all transactions are being parsed in real time and webapp integrated to official client. source code available: opened up. (right now is empty, I will fill it up in a couple of hours again) 384 transactions have been made successfully. source code available: s4l1h added lots of charts to
what are working on right now, what will do next:- I am on the process to setup 2 high performance churn vps nodes (eu and us) for the default node list of the client. we shouldn't need newcomers to change conf files or adding nodes manually from the wallet.
edit: (fasan set up 3 nodes, I support it with one node. will be added to official client soon.)- s4l1h working on an exchange site. (mmc/btc/ltc)
- since I made already a tiny block explorer for the mmcvotes, I am planning to hack up a simle webapp to see address balances. current block explorer doesnt handle this proper. My initial idea was setting a new block explorer up but faSan is already working for another block explorer, so I will just make a simple app for just balances until the alternative explorer comes up.
edit: agran from the community made it. (
- bet/dice site for mmc. I want to start something small, like a coinflip (you get 2x more or lose everything per round ) for experience. after that we plan to develop a betting system.
- documentation/api for creating web applications around mmc.
ideasif you have any ideas on technical stuff or suggestions about mmc related projects, please shoot.