Author Topic: [CTO] work status [OPEN POSITION]  (Read 25377 times)

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Offline tomorrow

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don't talk with s4l1h yet but I think he will do the same.
any reasons  ::)
Vote for seraphim to lead a team of supporters as MMC CSO
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after the current CEO change, I withdraw from the CTO position. (don't talk with s4l1h yet but I think he will do the same.)

apps/projects we developed so far will be up as long as we can afford the costs. (they are open source anyway, anyone can bring a new instance.)

potentital CTOs, please step up and announce your candicacy. noone is volunteer atm.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2014, 01:00:55 pm by emre »


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* alternative block explorer went online.
* organized a reddit giveaway:

Offline ManeBjorn

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Keep up the good work.
Also look into hiring your competition so that we can take advantage of everyone's skills.
Thanks for everything.  :)

I see now.  I was just looking on
I did just vote a few mins ago though.
Hopefully it shows up soon.


we're back.
Tips Appreciated MMC | MQotia5NmKTsaXXPaN8hw2ze3Z1DNwi39s


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I see now.  I was just looking on
I did just vote a few mins ago though.
Hopefully it shows up soon.


we're back.

Offline ManeBjorn

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I see now.  I was just looking on
I did just vote a few mins ago though.
Hopefully it shows up soon.

where do you look at it?

this is the latest election block at the moment:
Tips Appreciated MMC | MQotia5NmKTsaXXPaN8hw2ze3Z1DNwi39s


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where do you look at it?

this is the latest election block at the moment:

Offline ManeBjorn

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I'm confused it says you are the current officer?

we're currently voted out, if you support our work, consider giving a vote by sending  0.00000001 mmc to this address:

Tips Appreciated MMC | MQotia5NmKTsaXXPaN8hw2ze3Z1DNwi39s


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we're currently voted out, if you support our work, consider giving a vote by sending  0.00000001 mmc to this address:



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- opencart payment gateway  (
- 2 nodes setup for electrum
- minor client updates

Offline MaxPWR

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I really like the idea of expanding user functionality client-side like we've done with the voting...maybe even doing some separate UI / account info apps.

Ever see some programs that interface with browsers links by replacing the "http://" protocol in the address?  Can we do a browser plugin that does a "mcc://wallet:amount" and opens a separate client-side wallet interface? Plugin could rename / etc to use a client-side specific wallet.dat file.  Can we do this as a "QT commandline option to open with payment ready to send"?
You can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.


Offline s4l1h

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Who's operating

I've registered but no confirmation email.  Same with forgot-password link.

I think we should be adding "further reading" and "intermediate" guides there, beyond the basic newb stuff on .org.  Start with "see this bitcoin guide". Then users can develop advanced guides off-site, etc

Check you pm.

Offline MaxPWR

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Who's operating

I've registered but no confirmation email.  Same with forgot-password link.

I think we should be adding "further reading" and "intermediate" guides there, beyond the basic newb stuff on .org.  Start with "see this bitcoin guide". Then users can develop advanced guides off-site, etc
You can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.


Offline MaxPWR

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I like the idea of keeping .org functionality client side.  Focus on client-side gui for voting and some chain / address / tx history browsing.  And training and plug-in or script development web side.  May keep tx's "person-to-person" instead of "person-to-site-to-person"...which is probably good...

We should go past "entry-level" with guides, etc.  poll officers and community for what development platforms / tools they use.  get people to vote and people will tend towards the best ranked. 

They have sites like that - put one up for MMC where anyone submits a "what's the best" poll, site submits a vote to MMC wallet to track, etc.

You can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.


Offline FreeTrade

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Yeah - Middlecoin for CPU coins, payouts in MMC.
“People should be more sophisticated? How are you gonna get that done?” - Jerry Seinfeld reply to Bill Maher

Offline MaxPWR

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We need new miners - pro at specific pools, new at all pools - and services for both.

I saw liveCD, the new miner guide, etc. What's our newest stuff to broaden user-base? 

I'm thinking a new project that would broaden the user base would be a program (MSI/GUI interface) that identified the most profitable current CPU coin to mine, and switched between CPU coins as profitability changed, and sent all funds, as received, to a MMC exchange gateway. It would need to be closed source, and bundled with all necessary miners, and zero-config, as always.

Have gpu-switching pools like this store their maturing / immature / whachtamacallits in a sponsored cpu-switching pool...what's techie speak for that?

And what's "closed source"?
You can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.


Offline FreeTrade

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We need new miners - pro at specific pools, new at all pools - and services for both.

I saw liveCD, the new mienr guide, etc. What's our newest stuff to broaden user-base? 

I'm thinking a new project that would broaden the user base would be a program (MSI/GUI interface) that identified the most profitable current CPU coin to mine, and switched between CPU coins as profitability changed, and sent all funds, as received, to a MMC exchange gateway. It would need to be closed source, and bundled with all necessary miners, and zero-config, as always.
“People should be more sophisticated? How are you gonna get that done?” - Jerry Seinfeld reply to Bill Maher

Offline MaxPWR

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We need new miners - pro at specific pools, new at all pools - and services for both.

I saw liveCD, the new mienr guide, etc. What's our newest stuff to broaden user-base? 

Maybe a web form to direct income to small private developers? Like maybe:

 Upload existing .bat file for miner, generate a new one to:

1) Mine for for X seconds at MAXMinevK5EPyw2fditvrzosy9nCTR6pd1
2) Then close window and call user's original .bat file.

A "one-time interval" of mined funds for anyone instead of a periodic interval?

The intent would be a simple "click and donate once" function starting at a web-to-command-line interface for this stage.

I can do something, but it'd be messy.  I can give a function for X - need to update the electricity price thread, anyways.
You can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.


Offline s4l1h

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Memory Coin Charts Updated.

  • 24 hours Pool Hashrate Distribution
  • 3 Day Pool Hashrate Distribution
  • Weekly Pool Hashrate Distribution
Address list
Code: [Select]
    'MNWTWK1FT3CrbaVmhhh1qhpTi4havAKh9f' => '',
    'MHjtrW8pwbZARbbH8kMDYxvPXoSzoZk6Jx' => '',
    'MW1g64tLtzTLK8vZ1qrktbVez1rUe7Fsvf' => ''

Coming soon trader web site .

« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 12:09:16 am by s4l1h »

Offline FreeTrade

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>* exchange site.

I'm not sure how a new, untrusted exchange site will help much. They're difficult to secure, and take a long time to gain trust. This would be more helpful -

>* binary builds and full compability for linux/mac.

Yes, good idea. It'll be good to have binaries for different platforms available.

>* research on p2pool for a open-source mmc pool software.

If you can help FaSan with this, that would be good - our over-reliance on a single pool is a problem.
“People should be more sophisticated? How are you gonna get that done?” - Jerry Seinfeld reply to Bill Maher

Offline seraphim

Donation address is on the bottom of the page
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Offline bppsp1

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Stupid question, where is the faucet and how can I contribute to the faucet balance ?

Offline seraphim

I'd prefer each officer/candidate having an own thread.
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I'm thinking about a single place/locked thread (maybe thread for each CxO position) where these could be logged/posted, so everyone can easily see all the good work that is going into the coin - thus the proof that voting/hiring works well.
Also would be great for you to keep votes :)

that's a great idea. @seraphim, @freeTrade can we setup a sticky thread for this?
« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 08:59:34 pm by emre »

Offline luke997

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what happened last week:

* updates on the client for the linux/mac compability.
* moved to a new/better server.
* released two python libraries for the app developers around mmc.
* bought and fired up a server  (1 year paid from the start) for churn nodes in order to support official stable/node list which fasan created already. (

on the other hand, usual stuff:

* development of mmcvotes.
* is still up and continuously filled by cto salary.
* mmcwiki updates for new

ongoing work:

* exchange site.
* binary builds and full compability for linux/mac.
* testing, feedback and hosting the live cd for yam's miner.
* research on p2pool for a open-source mmc pool software.

please shoot us with your ideas and critics.

That's great progress, thanks!

I'm thinking about a single place/locked thread (maybe thread for each CxO position) where these could be logged/posted, so everyone can easily see all the good work that is going into the coin - thus the proof that voting/hiring works well.
Also would be great for you to keep votes :)


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what happened last week:

* updates on the client for the linux/mac compability.
* moved to a new/better server.
* released two python libraries for the app developers around mmc.
* bought and fired up a server  (1 year paid from the start) for churn nodes in order to support official stable/node list which fasan created already. (

on the other hand, usual stuff:

* development of mmcvotes.
* is still up and continuously filled by cto salary.
* mmcwiki updates.

ongoing work:

* exchange site.
* binary builds and full compability for linux/mac.
* testing, feedback and hosting the live cd for yam's miner.
* research on p2pool for a open-source mmc pool software.

please shoot us with your ideas and critics.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 08:47:43 pm by emre »

Offline luke997

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Hi Guys,
Could you please update the status? I think quick weekly updates would be quite good.

Offline SlyWax

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Voted for emre & s4l1h.

By the way, removing functionality from the client is not a good idea.

Offline isaacgoldbourne

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If you're doing the one address one wallet please may you also integrate coinjoin into the client?
MemoryDice now available!
 Vote for me to be CNO of memorycoin if you want these services. Just send 1 satoshi!
CNO: MVTEcno2tbsJWj7AQEyEjgk72j94hbPHFm

Offline reorder

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I was speaking of the actual built-in miner and removing menu items for starting it (if they are still there of course).

Removing addresses from the wallet (file) is not feasible, but auto-swiping all inputs to a certain address is (obviously). But then there are transaction fees that may be hard to explain to user, and blockchain growth issue.

Offline seraphim

I know that finding a block mining solo creates an address. Are there really people still trying this?
Or did you speak of minerd?

Maybe it would even be possible to remove addresses from the wallet?
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Offline reorder

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as a first step it would be enough to remove the "new address" button :)
And the built-in miner? It has a bad habit of generating new addresses while you are not watching.

Offline seraphim

I think what we want to do is work on a '1 wallet = 1 address' basis, and when more addresses exist in the wallet, create a sort of warning, with a button that allows the user to sweep all the balances into 1 address.

I think the multiple address, and change addresses confuse users, lead to coin loss and give a false sense of anonymity. We should make it as easy to use as possible and alert users that it is not anonymous.

great idea! as a first step it would be enough to remove the "new address" button :)
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Offline FreeTrade

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for the voting system, as far as I know current qt client doesn't allow sending coins from a specified address. maybe creating a rawtransaction for votes will solve this but we still need easy voting in the client.

I think what we want to do is work on a '1 wallet = 1 address' basis, and when more addresses exist in the wallet, create a sort of warning, with a button that allows the user to sweep all the balances into 1 address.

I think the multiple address, and change addresses confuse users, lead to coin loss and give a false sense of anonymity. We should make it as easy to use as possible and alert users that it is not anonymous.
“People should be more sophisticated? How are you gonna get that done?” - Jerry Seinfeld reply to Bill Maher


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So, whom should I vote for to get blockexplorer-with-balances faster, you or FaSan? :)

fasan is working on it. I saw a private demo and looking good. should be shipped soon. :)

Betting system already has been made, I'm creating a web version of it soon too

yeah, I know. great work there, I was mentioning like a sports bet site actually.

thank you guys!

for the voting system, as far as I know current qt client doesn't allow sending coins from a specified address. maybe creating a rawtransaction for votes will solve this but we still need easy voting in the client.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2014, 04:21:55 pm by emre »

Offline 5chdn

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So, whom should I vote for to get blockexplorer-with-balances faster, you or FaSan? :)

Both! CNO and CTO are not in a conflict of interest here i think.

Offline reorder

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So, whom should I vote for to get blockexplorer-with-balances faster, you or FaSan? :)

Offline ksi

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Good work! I like what you have done.
I think every c*o should post as this. What he has done, what is the next plan...So one can tell if he is qualified for his c*o position.

Offline MaxPWR

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How to select addr to vote when wallet have two addr。

I'm researching that, too.

It's tricky with QT wallets - Seraphim helped me to find out new wallets are always assigned a default address when they're created, and that's the "send" address.  Any others are basically just "receive" addresses.  You'd have to use two separate wallet.dat files.  E.g., usb sticks or keep renaming / backing up .dat files...

Not sure I'd recommend it for most people, but a web wallet could probably manage to track that stuff.

You may be able to do some stuff by "sweeping out" all coins from the addresses from wallet 1.  These may be split among multiple addresses.  Send the total balance in wallet 1 to any address in an empty wallet 2.  If you vote from wallet 2, not quite sure if the vote would show as the address you sent to or the default wallet 2 address.  But, it's a start...

If anyone finds out more, let us know. 

You can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.


Offline agran

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It would be good to see the balance of each address, and choose the address from which to vote.
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Offline fpx

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How to select addr to vote when wallet have two addr。

Offline isaacgoldbourne

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After the one week s4l1h and I elected here is what happened:

- mmcvotes got huge updates. all transactions are being parsed in real time and webapp integrated to official client. source code available:
- opened up. (right now is empty,  I will fill it up in a couple of hours again) 384 transactions have been made successfully. source code available:
- s4l1h added lots of charts to

what are working on right now, what will do next:
- I am on the process to setup 2 high performance churn vps nodes (eu and us) for the default node list of the client. we shouldn't need newcomers to change conf files or adding nodes manually from the wallet.
- s4l1h working on an exchange site. (mmc/btc/ltc)
- since I made already a tiny block explorer for the mmcvotes, I am planning to hack up a simle webapp to see address balances. current block explorer doesnt handle this proper. My initial idea was setting a new block explorer up but faSan is already working for another block explorer, so I will just make a simple app for just balances until the alternative explorer comes up.
- bet/dice site for mmc. I want to start something small, like a coinflip (you get 2x more or lose everything per round ) for experience. after that we plan to develop a betting system.
- documentation/api for creating web applications around mmc.


if you have any ideas on technical stuff or suggestions about mmc related projects, please shoot. :)
Betting system already has been made, I'm creating a web version of it soon too
MemoryDice now available!
 Vote for me to be CNO of memorycoin if you want these services. Just send 1 satoshi!
CNO: MVTEcno2tbsJWj7AQEyEjgk72j94hbPHFm

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After the one week s4l1h and I elected here is what happened:

- mmcvotes got huge updates. all transactions are being parsed in real time and webapp integrated to official client. source code available:
- opened up. (right now is empty,  I will fill it up in a couple of hours again) 384 transactions have been made successfully. source code available:
- s4l1h added lots of charts to

what are working on right now, what will do next:
- I am on the process to setup 2 high performance churn vps nodes (eu and us) for the default node list of the client. we shouldn't need newcomers to change conf files or adding nodes manually from the wallet.
edit: (fasan set up 3 nodes, I support it with one node. will be added to official client soon.)
- s4l1h working on an exchange site. (mmc/btc/ltc)
- since I made already a tiny block explorer for the mmcvotes, I am planning to hack up a simle webapp to see address balances. current block explorer doesnt handle this proper. My initial idea was setting a new block explorer up but faSan is already working for another block explorer, so I will just make a simple app for just balances until the alternative explorer comes up.
edit: agran from the community made it. (
- bet/dice site for mmc. I want to start something small, like a coinflip (you get 2x more or lose everything per round ) for experience. after that we plan to develop a betting system.
- documentation/api for creating web applications around mmc.


if you have any ideas on technical stuff or suggestions about mmc related projects, please shoot. :)
« Last Edit: April 02, 2014, 01:01:14 pm by emre »