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don't talk with s4l1h yet but I think he will do the same.
Quote from: ManeBjorn on February 20, 2014, 08:39:23 pmI see now. I was just looking on MemoryCoin.org.I did just vote a few mins ago though.Hopefully it shows up soon.thanks.we're back.
I see now. I was just looking on MemoryCoin.org.I did just vote a few mins ago though.Hopefully it shows up soon.
where do you look at it?this is the latest election block at the moment: http://www.mmcvotes.com/block/16300
we're currently voted out, if you support our work, consider giving a vote by sending 0.00000001 mmc to this address:MVTEctogwRCHUvWZyNcqYMbrSdNXrFR6FK
Who's operating mmcwiki.com?I've registered but no confirmation email. Same with forgot-password link.I think we should be adding "further reading" and "intermediate" guides there, beyond the basic newb stuff on .org. Start with "see this bitcoin guide". Then users can develop advanced guides off-site, etc
Quote from: MaxPWR on January 28, 2014, 06:04:38 amWe need new miners - pro at specific pools, new at all pools - and services for both. I saw liveCD, the new miner guide, etc. What's our newest stuff to broaden user-base? I'm thinking a new project that would broaden the user base would be a program (MSI/GUI interface) that identified the most profitable current CPU coin to mine, and switched between CPU coins as profitability changed, and sent all funds, as received, to a MMC exchange gateway. It would need to be closed source, and bundled with all necessary miners, and zero-config, as always.
We need new miners - pro at specific pools, new at all pools - and services for both. I saw liveCD, the new miner guide, etc. What's our newest stuff to broaden user-base?
We need new miners - pro at specific pools, new at all pools - and services for both. I saw liveCD, the new mienr guide, etc. What's our newest stuff to broaden user-base?
'MNWTWK1FT3CrbaVmhhh1qhpTi4havAKh9f' => 'dwarfpool.com', 'MHjtrW8pwbZARbbH8kMDYxvPXoSzoZk6Jx' => 'mmc.1gh.com', 'MW1g64tLtzTLK8vZ1qrktbVez1rUe7Fsvf' => 'mmcpool.com'
I'm thinking about a single place/locked thread (maybe thread for each CxO position) where these could be logged/posted, so everyone can easily see all the good work that is going into the coin - thus the proof that voting/hiring works well.Also would be great for you to keep votes
sure!what happened last week:* updates on the client for the linux/mac compability. * moved memorycoin.org to a new/better server.* released two python libraries for the app developers around mmc. https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=2365.msg28716#msg28716* bought and fired up a server (1 year paid from the start) for churn nodes in order to support official stable/node list which fasan created already. (mmcnodes.com)on the other hand, usual stuff:* development of mmcvotes.* mmcfaucet.com is still up and continuously filled by cto salary. * mmcwiki updates for new ongoing work:* exchange site.* binary builds and full compability for linux/mac. * testing, feedback and hosting the live cd for yam's miner.* research on p2pool for a open-source mmc pool software.please shoot us with your ideas and critics.
as a first step it would be enough to remove the "new address" button
I think what we want to do is work on a '1 wallet = 1 address' basis, and when more addresses exist in the wallet, create a sort of warning, with a button that allows the user to sweep all the balances into 1 address.I think the multiple address, and change addresses confuse users, lead to coin loss and give a false sense of anonymity. We should make it as easy to use as possible and alert users that it is not anonymous.
for the voting system, as far as I know current qt client doesn't allow sending coins from a specified address. maybe creating a rawtransaction for votes will solve this but we still need easy voting in the client.
So, whom should I vote for to get blockexplorer-with-balances faster, you or FaSan?
Betting system already has been made, I'm creating a web version of it soon too
How to select addr to vote when wallet have two addr。
After the one week s4l1h and I elected here is what happened:- mmcvotes got huge updates. all transactions are being parsed in real time and webapp integrated to official client. source code available: https://github.com/emre/mmcvotes.com- mmcfaucet.com opened up. (right now is empty, I will fill it up in a couple of hours again) 384 transactions have been made successfully. source code available: https://github.com/emre/mmcfaucet- s4l1h added lots of charts to http://s4l1h.github.io/mmc/.what are working on right now, what will do next:- I am on the process to setup 2 high performance churn vps nodes (eu and us) for the default node list of the client. we shouldn't need newcomers to change conf files or adding nodes manually from the wallet.- s4l1h working on an exchange site. (mmc/btc/ltc)- since I made already a tiny block explorer for the mmcvotes, I am planning to hack up a simle webapp to see address balances. current block explorer doesnt handle this proper. My initial idea was setting a new block explorer up but faSan is already working for another block explorer, so I will just make a simple app for just balances until the alternative explorer comes up.- bet/dice site for mmc. I want to start something small, like a coinflip (you get 2x more or lose everything per round ) for experience. after that we plan to develop a betting system.- documentation/api for creating web applications around mmc. ideasif you have any ideas on technical stuff or suggestions about mmc related projects, please shoot.