Author Topic: [CTO] work status [OPEN POSITION]  (Read 25786 times)

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Offline FreeTrade

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Yeah - Middlecoin for CPU coins, payouts in MMC.
“People should be more sophisticated? How are you gonna get that done?” - Jerry Seinfeld reply to Bill Maher

Offline MaxPWR

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We need new miners - pro at specific pools, new at all pools - and services for both.

I saw liveCD, the new miner guide, etc. What's our newest stuff to broaden user-base? 

I'm thinking a new project that would broaden the user base would be a program (MSI/GUI interface) that identified the most profitable current CPU coin to mine, and switched between CPU coins as profitability changed, and sent all funds, as received, to a MMC exchange gateway. It would need to be closed source, and bundled with all necessary miners, and zero-config, as always.

Have gpu-switching pools like this store their maturing / immature / whachtamacallits in a sponsored cpu-switching pool...what's techie speak for that?

And what's "closed source"?
You can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.


Offline FreeTrade

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We need new miners - pro at specific pools, new at all pools - and services for both.

I saw liveCD, the new mienr guide, etc. What's our newest stuff to broaden user-base? 

I'm thinking a new project that would broaden the user base would be a program (MSI/GUI interface) that identified the most profitable current CPU coin to mine, and switched between CPU coins as profitability changed, and sent all funds, as received, to a MMC exchange gateway. It would need to be closed source, and bundled with all necessary miners, and zero-config, as always.
“People should be more sophisticated? How are you gonna get that done?” - Jerry Seinfeld reply to Bill Maher

Offline MaxPWR

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We need new miners - pro at specific pools, new at all pools - and services for both.

I saw liveCD, the new mienr guide, etc. What's our newest stuff to broaden user-base? 

Maybe a web form to direct income to small private developers? Like maybe:

 Upload existing .bat file for miner, generate a new one to:

1) Mine for for X seconds at MAXMinevK5EPyw2fditvrzosy9nCTR6pd1
2) Then close window and call user's original .bat file.

A "one-time interval" of mined funds for anyone instead of a periodic interval?

The intent would be a simple "click and donate once" function starting at a web-to-command-line interface for this stage.

I can do something, but it'd be messy.  I can give a function for X - need to update the electricity price thread, anyways.
You can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.


Offline s4l1h

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Memory Coin Charts Updated.

  • 24 hours Pool Hashrate Distribution
  • 3 Day Pool Hashrate Distribution
  • Weekly Pool Hashrate Distribution
Address list
Code: [Select]
    'MNWTWK1FT3CrbaVmhhh1qhpTi4havAKh9f' => '',
    'MHjtrW8pwbZARbbH8kMDYxvPXoSzoZk6Jx' => '',
    'MW1g64tLtzTLK8vZ1qrktbVez1rUe7Fsvf' => ''

Coming soon trader web site .

« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 12:09:16 am by s4l1h »

Offline FreeTrade

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>* exchange site.

I'm not sure how a new, untrusted exchange site will help much. They're difficult to secure, and take a long time to gain trust. This would be more helpful -

>* binary builds and full compability for linux/mac.

Yes, good idea. It'll be good to have binaries for different platforms available.

>* research on p2pool for a open-source mmc pool software.

If you can help FaSan with this, that would be good - our over-reliance on a single pool is a problem.
“People should be more sophisticated? How are you gonna get that done?” - Jerry Seinfeld reply to Bill Maher

Offline seraphim

Donation address is on the bottom of the page
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Offline bppsp1

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Stupid question, where is the faucet and how can I contribute to the faucet balance ?

Offline seraphim

I'd prefer each officer/candidate having an own thread.
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I'm thinking about a single place/locked thread (maybe thread for each CxO position) where these could be logged/posted, so everyone can easily see all the good work that is going into the coin - thus the proof that voting/hiring works well.
Also would be great for you to keep votes :)

that's a great idea. @seraphim, @freeTrade can we setup a sticky thread for this?
« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 08:59:34 pm by emre »

Offline luke997

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what happened last week:

* updates on the client for the linux/mac compability.
* moved to a new/better server.
* released two python libraries for the app developers around mmc.
* bought and fired up a server  (1 year paid from the start) for churn nodes in order to support official stable/node list which fasan created already. (

on the other hand, usual stuff:

* development of mmcvotes.
* is still up and continuously filled by cto salary.
* mmcwiki updates for new

ongoing work:

* exchange site.
* binary builds and full compability for linux/mac.
* testing, feedback and hosting the live cd for yam's miner.
* research on p2pool for a open-source mmc pool software.

please shoot us with your ideas and critics.

That's great progress, thanks!

I'm thinking about a single place/locked thread (maybe thread for each CxO position) where these could be logged/posted, so everyone can easily see all the good work that is going into the coin - thus the proof that voting/hiring works well.
Also would be great for you to keep votes :)


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what happened last week:

* updates on the client for the linux/mac compability.
* moved to a new/better server.
* released two python libraries for the app developers around mmc.
* bought and fired up a server  (1 year paid from the start) for churn nodes in order to support official stable/node list which fasan created already. (

on the other hand, usual stuff:

* development of mmcvotes.
* is still up and continuously filled by cto salary.
* mmcwiki updates.

ongoing work:

* exchange site.
* binary builds and full compability for linux/mac.
* testing, feedback and hosting the live cd for yam's miner.
* research on p2pool for a open-source mmc pool software.

please shoot us with your ideas and critics.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 08:47:43 pm by emre »

Offline luke997

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Hi Guys,
Could you please update the status? I think quick weekly updates would be quite good.

Offline SlyWax

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Voted for emre & s4l1h.

By the way, removing functionality from the client is not a good idea.

Offline isaacgoldbourne

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If you're doing the one address one wallet please may you also integrate coinjoin into the client?
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