Author Topic: 比特币,区块链,去中心化组织  (Read 5501 times)

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 +5%不错  ebit是比较认真的

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我们都听说过工业联合企业,像菲利普莫里斯集团(Phillip Morris Group)和汉森公司(Hanson Plc),还有互联网和数字联合企业,如谷歌和它的母公司Alphabet,谷歌的业务扩张已经远远超出了基本搜索引擎的概念和组织世界信息的目标,还有时代华纳公司。


研究去中心化企业(DC),可以借鉴OpenLedger这个样板,它运行在比特股Bitshares区块链上,执行了BitShares 2.0 MIT-licensed Graphene 授权。去中心化联合企业(DC)的定义和记录是在一个加密环境中进行的。其代码开源,辅助文档也正在紧锣密鼓地编写着。

2016年2月,比特股BitShares 2.0被授予比特币3.0选手的称号。3月,Openledger及BitShares 2.0,作为一个整体正式入驻微软Azure Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) 。



Ronny Boesing ,丹麦加密货币交易所CCEDK的CEO及OpenLedger创始人,在上周的DC开发会议上说:“通用平台(比特股),允许各种组织加入、使用平台资源,而不对它们施加控制。去中心化企业可以自由蓬勃发展,而不必对平台做任何妥协,同时,去中心化企业还可以利用平台发行股份或费用支持的代币,供大家投资。”


“加入去中心化组织,就意味着彼此的协调,都发生在一个自动化的协调系统里,不需要过多沟通,一键完成,各取所需。”Ronny Boesing解释说,“OpenLedger团队已经构建了初步的利益分享模型,如交易所手续费分享代币OBITS,和广告分享系统代币BTSR。它们目前都可以在官网和比特股钱包和OpenLedger交易所购买交易。”(注:购买obits,填写优惠码ebit,有10%折扣。教程见:


当BitTeaser团队结束crowd sale预售的时候,预售利润的10%将会和OBITS社区共享,因为OBITS社区承诺支持BitTeaser社区。公开预售已经在2016年3月11日进行了。



OpenLedger目前的利润构成来源包括BitTeaser区块链广告网络,未来开放资产(包括法定货币)存取手续费,比特币、DASH、以太坊、NuBits和法定货币(传统货币)的交易费,还包括已发行的资产交易费,如OPENPOS。OPENPOS是一个令牌,它帮助完成了比特股钱包v.1.0版本安卓/iphone客户端和 SmartCoins POS系统终端。


Roger Aitken
Freelance journalist, writer and researcher - M&A Doctor



One could argue that the digital conglomerate has been with us for a while, even if we didn’t quite realize. Now we are contending with the term decentralized conglomerate.
The development around the Decentralized Conglomerate (DC), which is basically an idea that has existed since BitShares launched last October on OpenLedger, a universal shared platform based on the BitShares 2.0 MIT-licensed Graphene blockchain technology with a fully open source code base, is now being defined and documented in a crypto context.
It comes hot on the heels of BitShares 2.0 officially being announced as Bitcoin 3.0 tech this late this February and as OpenLedger’s BitShares 2.0 went live on  Microsoft MSFT -1.50% Azure Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) yesterday.

And, it was only in the past few weeks prior to BitShares 2.0’s introduction on Microsoft Azure’s BaaS on 9 March 2016, that its first so-called ‘Fee Backed Asset’ that offers private transfers came to life.
This has dramatically reduced trading and transfer fees as a result of the integrated governance structure on the blockchain. It has also seen the price of BitShares spike up by around 40% in trading over the past 24 hours.
With the marketplace demanding ever more options, a Decentralized Conglomerate enables multiple organizations to join forces on a universal platform, which allows them to invest in each other’s success. The upshot is that the entire network reaps the benefits of cross-promotion. At least that is the goal.
Ronny Boesing, CEO of Danish cryptocurrency exchange CCEDK and OpenLedger founder, commenting in the wake of this latest DC development says: “A universal shared platform allows organizations to have a common interest in the platform itself, without the platform imposing any control on the organizations that join.”
He adds: “This allows individual brand identities to flourish without having to compromise for the larger decentralized conglomerate. In addition, the universal platform creates an ecosystem in which organizations can directly invest in each other.”
This should all mean that the success of an organization involved in the DC would be able to directly benefit the other organizations that invested through the platform. And, it creates an environment in which profits can be shared without the necessity of the companies coordinating their operations.
“By entering into a Decentralized Conglomerate means the co-ordination takes place within an automated system,” explains Boesing. “The OpenLedger team has created the universal shared platform on which organizations can enter agreements to share their profits in exchange for community support.”
The first beneficiaries of what is described as a “revolutionary process” will be a partnership between the communities of BitTeaser, a blockcha
« Last Edit: March 12, 2016, 07:23:05 am by ebit »