RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load
I do that when I set up the faucet. I do it in the faucet directory though. In fact the only way I could get the bitshares_faucet db to load as opposed to the bitshares_faucet_dev db is to modify the faucet/config/database.yml file. For some reason it is loading the development branch, and I don't know what I am doing wrong.
I have a real secret under my develop branch in my secrets.yml file. Other than that there wouldn't be any security issues from my faucet running the bitshares_faucet_dev db would there?
Please note that it's production/dev/test 'environment' not 'branch'. It's just a bit confusing to read
Rails by default is in the development environment. When you run take tasks, they're in the dev environment too.
bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load <-- this sets up a development db
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load <-- this sets up a production db
rails s <-- this will start a server using development config
RAILS_ENV=production rails s <-- server will use production config
The secrets.yml file you don't need to worry about.
But if you're connecting to the development database, you're probably running in the development environment. And that is a security risk because it reveals a lot of information to make debugging easier.
We should get your faucet running in the production environment and connecting to the production database. What command are you using to start the server? And please verify that the "allowed_domains" entry was added to the production db.
Do you have any important information in the databases or can they still be wiped at this point?