Do you think this news have break out to the bitcoin/ethereum/* day traders?
What kind of push does this need to get some new adopters? Daily volume is almost innexistant... Its a shame really!
Personally I am really not so worried. I have already seen there is an interest for it even at mentioned prices. If it drops at luanch it is only to go much higher after, thats my firm belief, so I have no need of selling off at low prices when only 1,7 million are available and they are the tokens representing interest pai out in real gold and later on other precious stones and metal.
On top of all I managed to attract ETH bigger investors coming to BTS platform to buy OBITS, so I have achieved already what I wanted to begin with, to make more people aware of OpenLedger an BTS platform itself.
On top of that OpenLedger and BTS will once again be mentioned in an article on Forbes, as one is about to go live in coming days with DgixDao as the main thing and content.