I will implement this in arCUDAminer and rename it to arGPUminer if there's enough demand for it
Please donate to me
I'm sending you a donation.
If possible I strongly suggest pushing/merging your modifications to dga's open source archive, and using his model of volunteering the option to not mine for the developer, but asking to. If you do that and I can get it to compile, I'll set a higher donation amount for your address (so mark your address in the source).
I will want it to include the option to mine on multiple cards.
I looked into iruu's proposed dirty hack, and I just don't think I have the stomach for it. I'm also out of my depth trying to port in the network etc. code of other miners (to iruu's AMD/OpenCL prototype)

(I cancelled that bounty I had up, btw, but I will giver further as I say here, if you additionally follow my suggestion.)