TaleRecursion, send your OPEN.STEEM to account 'steemit' on BitShares and include your STEEM account name in the memo and I will transfer the STEEM to you.
My understanding was that OL / Blocktrades would process withdraw requests manually for any that did come up. I was very surprised to learn that Dan would be on vacation at this time.
OpenLedger has 6302 STEEM on deposit.
Anyone looking to unwind their order on OPEN.STEEM / OPEN.BTC can send me your OPEN.STEEM from the account they executed the trade(s) on. I can unwind any trades executed by steemit which totals 1.67 OPEN.BTC worth of trades. These trades were executed with the desire to help people get into STEEM and help bootstrap the market / price discovery.
To answer the original OP's complaint about the withdrawal being added and then removed, I apologize for that. it appears this resulted from another misunderstanding between CNX and I. To be clear, withdrawal has never been enabled for OPEN.STEEM since we didn't have the ability to automatically process it at that point. Unfortunately, the web wallet code that displays it in the gateway was added by a CNX employee without prior consultation with us, so I asked them to remove it as soon as I found out, since it wasn't yet functional. I don't think there was any "sneaky" intent in any of this, I think it was just a bit too much eagerness to start this market.
Finally, to the best of my knowledge, the gateway has been sufficiently tested this weekend on our development system, so I believe the deposit/withdrawal capability will be enabled today, although it will probably be need to used with a "manual" memo added until the next webwallet client is released sometime this week (probably very soon, but I'm away on vacation so it's difficult for me to say with certainty).