Author Topic: What happens if Steem market cap surpasses Bitshares market cap?  (Read 6647 times)

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Offline Empirical1.2

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This is a question no one has asked but probably many people are thinking about.

If you look at total supply it's already valued higher than BTS.

It's valued at >$12 million, with about $15 000 worth of buy support above $1 million...  ::)
« Last Edit: April 29, 2016, 12:56:52 pm by Empirical1.2 »
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Offline zwob

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I believe Steem and Bitshares can work together. I would like to draw attention to the concept of They are really big. It's a so called social trading community. Users pick a Forex trading strategy provider and can discuss all related things. Something like Zulutrade is missing for crypto. It needs to be implemented well, and Graphene can do it. Forex have PAMM accounts Let's imagine, on Bitshares you can allocate a proportion of your assets for having it traded, or invest in mini funds where the performance is audited and measured that cannot be disputed/scammed.

Offline btswildpig

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I have been trying to get excited about STEEM and am playing around with its features so far. But I think one of the main reasons BM is working on it is so that he can fund his endeavors by pumping and dumping it. One of his messages seemed to suggest this pretty clearly. If they truly want to make money from a market cap that naturally reaches great heights, it's going to require a different kind of development. STEEM's success is going to depend even more heavily on the type of outreach and viral growth of the user base that has been so elusive for BitShares. I really hope they have some different people involved in that project who can help sell it, since that's been one of our major shortcomings here.

How did Bitshares lose the Chinese? Now Ethereum is being translated and promoted in China.

The first thing was DNS .
Freezing an crypto asset that people paid for scared people . They didn't realize someone had the power to do it .

Some even come back from holiday and found out that their DNS was ceased to exist .

Merger and worker dilution didn't help either . But I think the worst part was freezing DNS after it was fully circulated and brought by ordinary people and speculators on the market .

As for Ethereum,  I don't think Ethereum has anything to do with BitShares to be compared .
BitShares is for "real-users" , not speculators , right . One can't envy benefiting from highly active speculation and the high marketcap that comes with it  while its mission is to disregard speculators and the market to serve the imaginary real users who contributed several cents in each trade .........

But the funny part is , people paid for BTS when it was priced at a highly active speculation environment (crypto market) , so's nearly impossible for people to make the return on their investment by a few cents from a few "real-users" . At the end of the day , the price is always a bubble , not matter how the devs claimed .
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Offline luckybit

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I have been trying to get excited about STEEM and am playing around with its features so far. But I think one of the main reasons BM is working on it is so that he can fund his endeavors by pumping and dumping it. One of his messages seemed to suggest this pretty clearly. If they truly want to make money from a market cap that naturally reaches great heights, it's going to require a different kind of development. STEEM's success is going to depend even more heavily on the type of outreach and viral growth of the user base that has been so elusive for BitShares. I really hope they have some different people involved in that project who can help sell it, since that's been one of our major shortcomings here.

How did Bitshares lose the Chinese? Now Ethereum is being translated and promoted in China. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline donkeypong

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I have been trying to get excited about STEEM and am playing around with its features so far. But I think one of the main reasons BM is working on it is so that he can fund his endeavors by pumping and dumping it. One of his messages seemed to suggest this pretty clearly. If they truly want to make money from a market cap that naturally reaches great heights, it's going to require a different kind of development. STEEM's success is going to depend even more heavily on the type of outreach and viral growth of the user base that has been so elusive for BitShares. I really hope they have some different people involved in that project who can help sell it, since that's been one of our major shortcomings here.

Offline tonyk

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What do you mean by "if"?

The highly delusional now bts creator has come up with a new coin offering nothing new, but a high pressure balloon for the only purpose of an artificially created market cap.

So the question is not if it will surpass bts (by BM's criteria of) market cap...the question is what purpose does it serves if even he (reversed flashed MasterByte) with 75% of all STEEM coins cannot sell them for more than the 5% of bts he (he and company) sold since this year start.
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

What do you mean what happens? 

The answer is.

Steem market cap is now larger than BitShares. 

Thats what happens.

Seriously, what are you getting at ??

Haha yeah  +5%

Actually the question shouldn't be if.. but when. I am almost certain it will pass it within the next few months if not sooner. Just look at all the other projects that are floating in the top 10.. it shouldn't be a surprise.
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Offline btswildpig

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This is a question no one has asked but probably many people are thinking about.

well , I would warn my friends that the price is not natural because it's in the hands of a few people .

And it's worse than pump and dump coins , because for pump and dump , controllers  need to have chuck load of money and coins .

Now we know they have the coins , but we also know they're poor and can't put food on the table (their own words ) :P :P

So ...... 
这个是私人账号,表达的一切言论均不代表任何团队和任何人。This is my personal account , anything I said with this account will be my opinion alone and has nothing to do with any group.

Offline gamey

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What do you mean what happens? 

The answer is.

Steem market cap is now larger than BitShares. 

Thats what happens.

Seriously, what are you getting at ??
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline luckybit

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This is a question no one has asked but probably many people are thinking about. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads