The blockbuster news on CCEDK launch!
The Decentralized Conglomerate launches blockchain-based crowdfunding – HEATThe Decentralised Conglomerate has announced the launch of their next project in the form Heuristically Enhanced Asynchronous Transactions (HEAT), a Blockchain 3.0 platform which has now officially started with the Initial Coin Offering (ICO).
According to the official release, the Decentralised Conglomerate has already opened with a HEAT pre-ICO crowd-sale on OpenLedger by partnering with HEAT Ledger Ltd. HEAT is P2P decentralized asset ledger and is a new way of structuring cryptocurrency. This platform is built for custom private chains along with speed optimization and is designed for crowdfunding and IPO (Initial Public Offering) solutions.
"To give you a brief overview of the tech scale we're operating in: the custom asset features Waves is striving to do, have long been possible with FIMK. The decentralized apps offered by Lisk will be possible with HEAT, plus a lot more. On top of it, all HEAT tokens are provided via attractive IPO structured commercial entity instead of the standard, simple ICO structuring," Svante Lehtinen, the project leader of HEAT said.Read more here:–-HEAT-235184
And also check this great article on Forbes!
Decentralized Exchange Turns Up 'HEAT' With Blockchain Start-Up Support order to trade on OpenLedger, all you need is to go to CCEDK to follow the ICO subscribe procedure simply send BTC or ETH to the OpenLedger account: ico.openledger, write in memo: HEAT
that's it and I will send you the equivalent in OPEN.HEAT based on the level at the time of funds sent
HEAT has now entered into level 2 of their ICO.
More than 55 BTC has been funded via OpenLedger. It means more or less 550 000 HEAT available for immediate trading on the various markets availabel on OpenLedger. If you wish to participate actively in trading untill October, OpenLedger is where you need to go. Subscribe now on are our video to help you subscribe and trade!
Check out our new tutorial video
on how to participate in an ICO on OpenLedger.Click the image to watch the video!
Here's how you can trade an ICO token before anyone else...Click the image to watch the video!Also find the details! us on socials for latest news and updates
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